Steve Breen

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since Jun 14, 2002
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Please help.
I've got a AccessException being thrown when i attempt to bind to a rmi registry running on a remote machine. I've given full permissions to both the server and client
grant {

but it still throwns the exception:

The client attempts to bind an object to the rmiregistry on a remote machine and the above error is given back
Run the server using
java Server
Client is the same command.
Anyone any ideas?
21 years ago
Heres the problem:
I'm running Linux RH7.2 Server,tomcat 3.2.4, Java 1.4.0.
Running the startup script, it gets as far as setting up the "ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )" but doesn't set up the ConnectionHandlers on 8080 and 8007. The server.xml config file hasn't been changed. It has worked once in more that 10 attempts and then I ran the " run". Tried that option again but it failed to start the listeners.
Anyone got any ideas? This is a very frustrating problem.
Thanx in advance.
22 years ago