This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Jason Keating

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since Jun 16, 2002
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Recent posts by Jason Keating

Thanks for all your help fellow Ranchers, this site is a brilliant resource, K&B are brilliant authors and Whizlabs is a must!

All this plus hard work makes it worth it...

18 years ago
Is anyone able to tell me what the rules are around passing null references to overloaded methods? I have look around but been unable to find any explanations.

Thanks in advance

Jason Keating

I just booked my exam and got the confirmation details from Prometric, one thing I was curious about was the following excerpt from the confirmation email.

Program Name: Sun Microsystems (310, 311)

Nowhere does it say 310-035, but I assume the Program name (310) plus the Exam Name (SUN CERTIFIED PROGRAMMER FOR THE JAVA 2 PLATFORM 1.4) cover it....

is this what any 1.4'ers got from Prometric? or am I just being a nervous Nelly.
Hi, I've another question, I've googled this one and fiddled with the code till I'm blue in the face but I'm still confused.

With regard to the code below, I thought flow would be as follows.

main()->raid()->try->Exception()->catch->Arithmetic Exception->finally

But I was wrong, the arithmetic exception is not reported, if I comment out the finally an arithmetic exception is thrown.

To me it appears this may happen because the arithmetic exception is unchecked and the finally must run therefore the runtime exception is ignored ?

Anyone able to confirm this or set me straight please?

Thanks in advance,



[ February 09, 2006: Message edited by: Jason Keating ]
Now that I know what init blocks are I put together a couple of classes which nicely demonstrate Tim ans Josh's explanations.

Hopefully this will further help someone with the same question.


[ February 09, 2006: Message edited by: Jason Keating ]
Tim, Josh...

Brilliant, thanks for the clear and concise responses!

A huge help

I'm a little confused by the following code, I can understand why the static block runs first, follow by main but then I thought the contructor would run ... it does not, the unamed block runs (Init) before the constructor.

Can anyone explain to my why? And what is this unamed block? its the first time I have come across one...

Thanks in advance,


On page 674-675 of the K&B book is a reference to the "Bonus Material Link" which will direct you to free online registration (I assume somehow qualifying you as a legit owner of the book (which I am)) to allow use of a second bonus Master Exam.

I see no such link in my Master Exam software, anyone know how to get this?

No need for answers now, this thread popped up in last 10/most active and answers mine.

Thread Link
Hi all, I'm a long time lurker who has finally decided to knuckle down and complete the exam.

I'm considering buying a mock, or even better finding another great free one I am not already familiar with.

I have searched on "best mock" etc and get ton's of results but nothing that answers the following question, are you able to offer an opinion?

What is the best Mock Exam?

I have used Dan Chisholms, I own K & B, I do really well in Rules Round-up and have sampled Whiz Labs. I'm also aware of Marcus Green but have not sampled the demo's yet.

What Mock's did you use and what do you think is the best? If I decide to spend any cash on another Mock I would like to make an educated choice.

Hi, I'm a long time lurker, and if memory serves a first time poster. Let me know if I put a foot astray.
I have a question regarding unicode support.
I have several sites using unicode characters, particularly the following.
#257 (macron over a)
#275 (macron over e)
#299 (macron over i)
#333 (macron over o)
#363 (macron over u)
#256 (macron over A)
#274 (macron over E)
#298 (macron over I)
#332 (macron over O)
#362 (macron over U)
Serving up these characters is no problem, but serving up readable alternatives to non-unicode browsers is. When I find a browser which I know does not support unicode characters by default I would like to display the character without a macron.
For example...
for a uni-code browser I would display a #257 (macron over a).
for a non-unicode browser I would display an 'a'.
My content will include unicode chars by default so I plan to replace the unicode chars with non-unicode chars when the occassion arises.
Is anyone able to point me in the right direction? so far I have found many references to provision/enabling of unicode support, but nothing covering extreme cases such this. I thought maybe jsp/servlets which provide internationalised support to WML might be a good place to start but I think its such a rare case that info is scarce.
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago