Deep India

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since Jun 17, 2002
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You can update the database fields by separating each of the records with a searator for eg: any special characters.
For eg:
your fields are
You update in your database as:
This might solve your problem
21 years ago
I am running a jsp page on this URL:
There is no database support available in website.
I want my form data to be posted on another site: and show the updated status (updated message) from the website.
In the site I have support for both JSP and mySQL.
Can I follow this type of scenario? If this is possible then what will be the jsp connectivity script for the following:
String username = "abc_mysql_database_username";
String password = "abc_mysql_database_password";
String url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3356/events";
In place of localhost what to give. In the above string url, "events" is the name of the database.
Pl. help me out.
21 years ago
I am running a jsp page on this URL:
There is no database support available in website.
I want my form data to be posted on another site:
In the site I have support for both JSP and mySQL.
If this scenario is possieble then what will be the jsp connectivity script for the following:
String username = "abc_mysql_database_username";
String password = "abc_mysql_database_password";
String url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3356/events";
In place of localhost what to give. "events" is the name of the database.
hi javabies:
any one interested in discussing Java Online Multiplayer Games Future!!!
I am a Games Programmer in Java working for last 1 year. I have developed as well as deployed 5 multiplayer and almost 75 single player games for a games portal.
But due to the ongoing recession, the site is closed and i am without a good job...
any one there who could guide me what to do...
22 years ago

Originally posted by kt_ananth:
Hello ,
I need to send a input from applet to JSP.Wil u please give some guide to connect applet with JSP.
Is it same like communicating a applet with servlet thro' I/P & O/P streams?
Let me know the details please.
Thanking you .

22 years ago