Since someone mentioned Rod Johnson, you might be interested to know he has a new book coming out on doing J2EE without EJB. I attended TheServerSide Java Symposium, and Rod gave a presentation on J2EE programming without EJB (
see some notes I made here).
Rod makes some very compelling arguments against EJB, especially when it comes to using them in Web applications. More specifically, he argues against distributed objects when we really don't need them. A lot of us need only certain services from J2EE, and there are more efficient ways to obtain them than through EJB.
I have only recently downloaded it and installed it, so I can't give too much testimony, but Rod was the initial creator of the
Spring framework, a lightweight framework which seeks to provide some of what we need from EJB, without all the container overhead. Spring provides many things, but I have only set up the Inversion of Control method for obtaining DAO objects and setting the DataSource on the object rather than calling JNDI. I can tell you this has made the DAO/JDBC much easier to develop for my web application, as I can run it very quickly from the IDE, and don't have to redeploy the webapp, etc. to see results.