Venu G Askani

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since Sep 20, 2000
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Recent posts by Venu G Askani

hello Ashok
I would personally feel that you continue your workin in java rather than testing some other waters. Instead of becoming a jack of all and master of None you can concentrate on Java only
Best Wishes
Congrats Bob on ur achievement..
Best Wishes
Hi Hemanth,
Congratulations on the achievement and then can u tell me as to how i can clear the exam in one months time.. ( i mean to say now only concentrating on certification guide and mock tests).I am into programming for the past two years. well my problem being with awt, threads and then the dreaded problem of selecting the wrong no of correct answers .. eg. if two are correct i end up selecting either one or three.. thereby losing the question. any idea abt that. u can mail to me at [email protected]
Thanks in advance
Hi Anuja,
I suppose the difference in the definition is due to the constraint in java of multiple inheritance. The multiple inheritance is done or rather achieved in java by the use of interfaces. In this way you can do multiple inheritance.
Hi Hari,
Inner classes can contain final static variables. The static variables are not allowed in the inner classes and they are allowed only when they are defined as final static.
Hope this solves ur query
Abstract keyword is used to define a method as abstract or any class as abstract. A class is defined as abstract when it contains at least one method as abstract. It can contain the other methods that are not abstract. Well interfaces are classes which have all the methods that are not implemented. These came to arise because of the indirect implementation of Multiple Inheritance. The interfaces are designed to implement multiple inheritance. And the abstract classes can be extended by a wide variety of classes that implement that abstract methods.
Hope i explained the query correctly..

Originally posted by Anuja:
What is Abstract keyword and Interfaces?
Would you please explained by an example?
Thanks a lot!

Even i m planning to give the Exam in another two months time. If you can give me some valuable suggestions it would be of help to me..