Nigel Kat

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since Jun 25, 2002
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In working with my WAS admin, they opened a PMR for this issue to IBM. The following:
Thank-you for reporting this issue to WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Support and Services. I have opened a defect report JR 17393 for
investigation on this issue. As a workaround has been provided. May we
close the pmr?
was the intial response from the IBM rep, note the defect report number for follow-up on a future patch/fix pack. If you would like to add your issues to this or open a separate one and reference this report number, contact the IBM site for problem reports.
The work around we received is:
I noticed that when selecting the JDBC driver to equal jConnect 5.x JDBC Driver rather than Other Sybase Driver I receive the same error message you are seeing. I was able to connect to the Sybase bye selecting the JDBC driver to use Other Sybase Driver and configure the database connection wizard appropriately:
Connection name: Con1
Database myDatabaseName
User ID: myUserId
Database ventor type: Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, V12
JDBC driver: Other Sybase Driver
JDBC driver class: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver
Class location: C:\jconn2.jar <---I used<br /> Connection URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:[HOST]:[PORT]/[DATABASE NAME]<br /> =====================<br /> *************************<br /> There are 'other' drivers for the products shown in the previous posts as well. Try using some of those & see if you can get the connection to work.<br /> Good Luck!!<br /> >^..^<
22 years ago
Check the userid and password that are being passed by your application. The ids that were built into it for your stand-alone application were contained and defined only to the NT system that they lived on. They were not defined and so they don't work on the console, and they won't work in the application deployed to a WAS that is accessing a separate DB2 database.
The DB2 administrator should be able to help you with the correct userid and password that you should be using.
22 years ago
Has a good discussion and source download for a connection pool manager and pools. I've run this for a little while now, and it works great. I've used it in multiple different configurations and haven't run across any major issues.
22 years ago
JAVA_HOME can be anything you need it to be. The important part is that it is the path which leads to the bin directory of the SDK that you want to provide the JVM for the web server. Different people set up their machines differently. Not wrong, just different.
I have the same issue with XP, although when comparing to the JAVA_HOME definition on both a WinNT and Win2K system, there is no difference in the format of the JAVA_HOME definition, just differences in the path itself.
Make sure there are no additional characters after the directory name that is the parent of bin. Many path variables end with ..;.; to indicate that the current and parent directory should also be checked, these should not be included here. Not sure if that will fix it, but give it a shot.
22 years ago
Try this:
There are a lot of tutorials out there to start with.
Also check out:
Its returns a list of IBM redbooks, papers, etc. on the IDE.
That should give you something to work with!
22 years ago
I'm getting the same thing when going from WSAD running under NT to a Sybase ASE V12.5 server on a RS/6000.
I've verified the server & can connect just fine from code run outside of WSAD, which would prove that the drivers (jConnect V5.5) are loaded into the classpath since I don't do any cp definitions at runtime.
The Sybase ASE V12.5 and the UDB V7 options are included in the connection wizard under WSAD. I believe I saw a couple others in this message that are also there.
I posted a similar message to the IBM WSAD board about a month ago while they had one of the WSAD developers answering the quesions, but I never saw a response. I figured it was because I was heading to a Sybase server.
If anybody comes up with anything, please post.
22 years ago
There are some good discussions at:
under the Native Methods forum.
22 years ago
Alsdo check StringTokenizer,MUCH easier to use that the StreamTokenizer version if you can afford the stream to string read/write.
22 years ago
If you find out, I'd love to hear it.
We know we can call Java objects from VB via DOS, including using comand line arguments. This is effective, but rather crude don't you think?
Also, at
I found this:
The Java Client Access Services (CAS) COM Bridge lets Windows developers create native client applications that access Java components deployed on a J2EE application server. The Java CAS COM Bridge helps to integrate Java technology and Windows Platforms together by providing a set of COM objects that let any COM-enabled client application establish a connection to a Java application server and obtain references to Java components. (Free with registration to the Java Developer Connection).
Nicer, but not not exactly what I'm looking for.
I would like to find out how to package Java objects in a VB executable & allow them to be called directly.
Maybe one of the forums at the JDC called Native Methods, there is a lot of Q&A on Java objects calling VB & vice versa, dll handling & COM objects. Too many for me to have figured it all out yet, but it may help.
22 years ago
Maybe check the message
SOAP Deployment Error :
posted on this board 6/18. Not sure if its your fix, but it couldn't hurt to check it.
22 years ago
for a primer on namespaces. This is a press release that describes why namespaces were developed for XML and what they are intended to do.
It contains this link:
Which outlines the purpose and definition of a namespace:
[Definition:] An XML namespace is a collection of names, identified by a URI reference [RFC2396], which are used in XML documents as element types and attribute names. XML namespaces differ from the "namespaces" conventionally used in computing disciplines in that the XML version has internal structure and is not, mathematically speaking, a set. These issues are discussed in "A. The Internal Structure of XML Namespaces".
URI references which identify namespaces are considered identical when they are exactly the same character-for-character. Note that URI references which are not identical in this sense may in fact be functionally equivalent. Examples include URI references which differ only in case, or which are in external entities which have different effective base URIs.
Check the more recent papers on XML to get up to speed on the changes, these articles are from 99.
Hope that helps.
22 years ago
I have seen several clients with the same type of questions, although most are dealing with MSMQ or WebLogic instead of JBoss(I have no exposure there). Oftentimes it comes down to the dollars of IBM's WSMQ licensing versus using the MQ service native to the app server they are running on.
Ultimately, if you have a JBoss server, with JBossMQ, you should be able to talk to WSMQ with minimal if any issues.
For MSMQ to talk to WSMQ, you need a bridge that can be had from MicrSoft for a few hundred dollars. JBoss should have specs available for communications with WSMQ, including any software bridge that may be required. If not, check the WebSphere MQSeries site for details.
For pure consistency, WSMQ to WSMQ is a breeze to get it up and running, and being able to use the same resources to manage the messaging systems across multiple platforms can be very attractive, especially to smaller to mid-sized companies.
The majority of messaging services are able to communicate to the others with a minimum of heartburn.
The protocols are virtually identical, and the vendors are very aware that their clients use the same type of messaging applications across multiple platforms. They have heard the message that intercommunication between platforms is paramount. Any vendor who wants to be strictly proprietary will find expansion difficult when there are vendors who are willing to allow integration on multiple levels.All that being said, there may be a reason why WSMQ was chosen over the JBossMQ, that would be a question for the project owner.
Reqquest-response and synchronous processing could be considered the same thing. Synchronous processing requires that the session that iniated the request stay open and wait until the response is received.
Asynchronous processing is where transactions can be fired off in groups and the responses are handled as they come in. The session does not need to wait for the response.
Asynchronous processing is used by messaging systems where the individual messages are shipped off from one queue and a second queue is monitored for the response to arrive.
When there is no direct link between the request and the response = asyncronous.
Hope that helps
Probably the best explanation is an attempt to interact with a proprietary subsystem architected over 10 years ago that allowed applications to use a limited subset of SQL to select or update data on a remote system(no joins, etc). We have 3 possible interfaces to this system, the easiest of which adds a very basic XML wrapper to the SQL statement & allows the same message to be handled via 2 different protocols (SNA LU6.2 or MQSeries messaging). For the protocol, we'll build both, but this piece is the LU6.2 between 2 CICS regions. We currently have a way of exercising the MQS version. All the processing in the background remains the same.
I'm working through the details of a basic web service/application that will handle the XML wrapper & the sending & recieving of the message from the user.
Am I being clear as mud?
22 years ago
Personally, I'd love to, but that would require retooling of the host application that we aren't quite ready to do yet. The application it hits is not entirely DB2, depending on the specific request, the data may come from VSAM files or DB2. Consequently there is a controlling program in the front of it all that will take of the transaction processing from the point of the XML wrapper. I can use this guy, pretty much as-is. I'm more directed to getting a web app to talk to a CICS
transaction/application with the minimum number of moving parts in between.
DAXD just went on my list though....
22 years ago