Edward Singleton

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since Jun 26, 2002
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I am attempting to develop an entity bean that is required to map to different schemas that contain the same table names. In other words, our production database has one schema (creator), but our test database has multiple schemas. A table is defined in each schema to allow for testing at different levels.

Is it possible to map an EJB-CMP to such an environment, or am I limited to EJB-BMP?
Sorry folks. I had fixed this problem previously using the steps I provided in a previous post, but the problem has returned and I cannot seem fix it. I am considering reinstalling VisualAge because no one else in my shop is experiencing this problem - and my machine is set up the same as theirs.
Any other ideas???
22 years ago
I had this exact problem after successfully connecting to a DataSource on WebSphere from VisualAge for Java v3.5.3 for weeks. Other developers with the same setup had no problems. To resolve the problem I performed the following steps:
1. Close VisualAge if it is open.
2. Rename db2java.zip to something such as db2java.zip_ so VisualAge will no longer recognize it.
3. Open VisualAge.
4. Change db2java.zip back to its original name.
5. Start the WebSphere Test Environment.
This worked for me...good luck to you.
22 years ago