I have written the build file for EJB Task as follows This is the small portion of the my buildfile where I get the Error
This is my buildfile portion
<target name="EJBjar" depends="compile" description="To jar the Compiled Source" >
<ejbjar naming="descriptor" descriptordir="${descriptordir}" srcdir="${buildDir}" destdir="${srcDir}">
<!--<dtd location="${dd}"/>-->
<include name="Hello-Deploy.xml"/>
<include name="*.dtd"/>
<websphere dbvendor="DB2UDBWIN_V71" ejbdeploy="false" oldCMP="false" tempdir="/tmp" destdir="${srcDir}" dbVendor="DB2UDBWIN_V71">
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/deploytool/itp/plugins/org.eclipse.core.boot/boot.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/deploytool/itp/plugins/com.ibm.etools.ejbdeploy/runtime/batch.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/xerces.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/ivjejb35.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/j2ee.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/vaprt.jar"/>
The Error information I get is
EJBjar.xml:31: The <ejbjar> task doesn't support the nested "websphere" element.
I have followed the same steps as in the doccument and Iam not using nested <websphere> element as stated only one <websphere> element that to same as given in the doccument of EJB Task I donot undersatnd where it goes wrong