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Abiram Radhakrishnan

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since Jun 26, 2002
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Recent posts by Abiram Radhakrishnan

We have the large files send to server (in MB) the reseiver can hold only 32kb at a time
Can any one tell me how to segment the file into 32kb irrespective of its size
21 years ago
Basically Iam using MQServer & MQClient (its a middleware)
in the message header I want to pass this information ie uid , Type of the client
Can you brief me more to solve out my problem

21 years ago
I have n number of client - accesing my server
I have few queries as listed below.
1)I want to know how does a server will know the which Client is accesing him.
a)My Client are
1) is C client (ie a exe file)
2)second one is a java file (.class) accesing the server
Is there any class or method which returns the type of client accesing the server

2) I want to know what is the uid (userid) with which the client is accesing (the system uid )ie the (windows NT uid like administrator) or (root of the Unix system).
Please let me know the class and the method in java which can provide me the solution
21 years ago
I have n number of client - accesing my server
I have few queries as listed below.
1)I want to know how does a server will know the which Client is accesing him.
a)My Client are
1) is C client (ie a exe file)
2)second one is a java file (.class) accesing the server
Is there any class or method which returns the type of client accesing the server

2) I want to know what is the uid (userid) with which the client is accesing (the system uid )ie the (windows NT uid like administrator) or (root of the Unix system).
Please let me know the class and the method in java which can provide me the solution
21 years ago
We have been using diffrent compiler for our c/c++ compilation use to write long make files
But I Think in ANT we only write XML for compiling the c/c++ codes really intresting
Can you please let me know the link where I can download the ANT for compiling my c/c++ codes using ANT
Thanks in Advance
21 years ago
I have been trying with ANT1.5 beta1 with Websphere I have succesfully done the compile & EJB Jar task for my bean but coulkdnot do Server deploy with Websphere If any one have done succesfully Please let me know since our team require some idea on this
Any URLs or any PDF with briefly metions about this

22 years ago
I have Downloaded the ANT 1.5 & tried with the same then also getting the same Error
Can U give me the diifrent suggetions
I have Downloaded the ANT 1.5 & tried with the same then also getting the same Error
Can U give me the diifrent suggetions
22 years ago
I have written the build file for EJB Task as follows This is the small portion of the my buildfile where I get the Error
This is my buildfile portion
<target name="EJBjar" depends="compile" description="To jar the Compiled Source" >
<ejbjar naming="descriptor" descriptordir="${descriptordir}" srcdir="${buildDir}" destdir="${srcDir}">
<!--<dtd location="${dd}"/>-->
<include name="Hello-Deploy.xml"/>
<include name="*.dtd"/>
<websphere dbvendor="DB2UDBWIN_V71" ejbdeploy="false" oldCMP="false" tempdir="/tmp" destdir="${srcDir}" dbVendor="DB2UDBWIN_V71">
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/deploytool/itp/plugins/org.eclipse.core.boot/boot.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/deploytool/itp/plugins/"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/xerces.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/ivjejb35.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/j2ee.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/vaprt.jar"/>
The Error information I get is
EJBjar.xml:31: The <ejbjar> task doesn't support the nested "websphere" element.
I have followed the same steps as in the doccument and Iam not using nested <websphere> element as stated only one <websphere> element that to same as given in the doccument of EJB Task I donot undersatnd where it goes wrong
I have written the build file for EJB Task as follows This is the small portion of the my buildfile where I get the Error
This is my buildfile portion
<target name="EJBjar" depends="compile" description="To jar the Compiled Source" >
<ejbjar naming="descriptor" descriptordir="${descriptordir}" srcdir="${buildDir}" destdir="${srcDir}">
<!--<dtd location="${dd}"/>-->
<include name="Hello-Deploy.xml"/>
<include name="*.dtd"/>
<websphere dbvendor="DB2UDBWIN_V71" ejbdeploy="false" oldCMP="false" tempdir="/tmp" destdir="${srcDir}" dbVendor="DB2UDBWIN_V71">
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/deploytool/itp/plugins/org.eclipse.core.boot/boot.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/deploytool/itp/plugins/"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/xerces.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/ivjejb35.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/j2ee.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${was4.home}/lib/vaprt.jar"/>
The Error information I get is
EJBjar.xml:31: The <ejbjar> task doesn't support the nested "websphere" element.
I have followed the same steps as in the doccument and Iam not using nested <websphere> element as stated only one <websphere> element that to same as given in the doccument of EJB Task I donot undersatnd where it goes wrong
22 years ago
Hi I have tried the Compiling & doing Jar with the ant to my ejb Component but how to do the Deploy the same bean using ANT in Websphere3.5 Version
As ststed in the I have done all the steps
Command line build using ANT.
1) We're using ANT for compiling all the sources. The process for building an EJB is as follows:
a) Make an jetace XML file describing your ejbs. This is documented in the infocenter.
Make an ANT task to compile your code and jar them.
b) Run the jetace tool passing the previous xml file as a command line argument using the '-f' flag. The XML file should have the input file set to your jar and the outputfile set to the deployable jar you want created. You need to put all classes your code depends on in the input jar or manually edit the jetace batch file to add these external jars to the jetace classpath. There is no way to tell jetace about these jars besides this.
I have Installed the jetace in my Websphere sucesfully &
Now my Question is how to write the Tag for the Deploy of my ejbs in ANT build File & how to use
jetace to deploy my jar file
My Build File for Compiling & Jar is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Ant Demo" default="jar" basedir=".">
<!--Define Global properties. -->
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="buildDir" value="classes"/>
<property name="srcDir" value="src"/>
<property name="xalan" value="XML/xalan/xalan.jar"/>
<property name="xerces" value="XML/xalan/xerces.jar"/>
<property name="junit" value="JUnit/junit3.7/junit.jar"/>

<path id="classpath">
<pathelement path="${buildDir}"/>
<pathelement path="${junit}"/>
<pathelement path="${xerces}"/>
<pathelement path="${xalan}"/>
<target name="compile" description="compiles source files">
<javac srcdir="${srcDir}" destdir="${buildDir}" classpath="classpath"/>
<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="To jar the Compiled Source" >
<jar basedir="${buildDir}" destfile="${srcDir}/lib/demo.jar"/>
How to write the Deploy tag to deploy my ejb into the Websphere 3.5 & what type of command & parameter I need to specify in jetace while deploying
Subject: Compiling & doing jar
Operating System:Windows NT
Iam using ant v 1.4.1 & I have done compilation succesfully but when I do
the jar of the compiled source I get the following Error
ant -buildfile compilejar.xml
Buildfile: compilejar.xml
C:\Ant\jakarta-ant-1.4.1\bin\compilejar.xml:25: The <jar> task doesn't
support the "destfile" attribut
Total time: 1 second
Note: My classpath & ANT_HOME dont make any issue since Iam able to compile
& do other tasks
with the ant
All the Directory metioned in the xml file exsists

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Ant Demo" default="jar" basedir=".">
<!--Define Global properties. -->
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="buildDir" value="classes"/>
<property name="srcDir" value="src"/>
<property name="xalan" value="XML/xalan/xalan.jar"/>
<property name="xerces" value="XML/xalan/xerces.jar"/>
<property name="junit"

<path id="classpath">
<pathelement path="${buildDir}"/>
<pathelement path="${junit}"/>
<pathelement path="${xerces}"/>
<pathelement path="${xalan}"/>
<target name="compile" description="compiles source files">
<javac srcdir="${srcDir}" destdir="${buildDir}"
<target name="jar" depends="compile"
description="To jar the Compiled Source" >
<jar basedir="${buildDir}"
22 years ago
Subject: Compiling & doing jar
Operating System:Windows NT
Iam using ant v 1.4.1 & I have done compilation succesfully but when I do
the jar of the compiled source I get the following Error
ant -buildfile compilejar.xml
Buildfile: compilejar.xml
C:\Ant\jakarta-ant-1.4.1\bin\compilejar.xml:25: The <jar> task doesn't
support the "destfile" attribut
Total time: 1 second
Note: My classpath & ANT_HOME dont make any issue since Iam able to compile
& do other tasks
with the ant
All the Directory metioned in the xml file exsists

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Ant Demo" default="jar" basedir=".">
<!--Define Global properties. -->
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="buildDir" value="classes"/>
<property name="srcDir" value="src"/>
<property name="xalan" value="XML/xalan/xalan.jar"/>
<property name="xerces" value="XML/xalan/xerces.jar"/>
<property name="junit"

<path id="classpath">
<pathelement path="${buildDir}"/>
<pathelement path="${junit}"/>
<pathelement path="${xerces}"/>
<pathelement path="${xalan}"/>
<target name="compile" description="compiles source files">
<javac srcdir="${srcDir}" destdir="${buildDir}"
<target name="jar" depends="compile"
description="To jar the Compiled Source" >
<jar basedir="${buildDir}"