Mark, your point that I am certified is well taken, however, for Sun to grade people on their ability to follow 'standards' - especially in the way code looks, is completely ridiculous. All it takes is one look at the source code that Sun distributes to realize that Sun doesn't have a standard at all.
As for the combo boxes, I don't recall seeing any requirement that the searching functionality use combo boxes. While my choice of presenting a textbox my not have been the most efficient, it was within the scope of the project. If efficiency were of such high importance, the database would not have been a binary flat file and locking would have had timeouts.
And lastly, as was pointed out by another person, right-click menus offer a fast way to select a record in the JTable AND act on it to book / cancel seats. It wasn't a requirement, but as far as GUIs go, right-click behavior is pretty much the standard.
It would be nice if Sun were to be more explicit in sharing how they intend to grade the project and then to provide detailed feedback as to where the deficiencies were. As it is now (though I hear that there is a new developer project out now), it seems rather subjective. Just for my own peace of mind, I'd like to see a project that got 150+ so that I could see what Sun considers top-notch.
This 'rant' is definitely not directed at anyone on JavaRanch - just a public venting of how I feel about the developer certification grading process.