Seid Myadiyev

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Recent posts by Seid Myadiyev

Sun�s official Architect certification website states the following:

APIs relevant to the Assignment

The assignment requires that you have an in-depth understanding of the Java programming language and J2EE APIs. You can choose to use any released version of the J2EE APIs.

Do is it mean that we already may use all Java EE 5 related APIs (i.e. EJB 3.0 and the New Java Persistence API).


[ May 26, 2006: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]

Is it possible to specify local path (ex. C:\MyAppDir) on a client into which my application is to be downloaded/deployed by the Java Web Start?
If yes, how do I achive that? Does it have something to do with turning off the �sandbox� and/or JAR signing?

Thank you in advance!
20 years ago
Dear Exam Authors,
How advanced questions on WSDL, UDDI and JAXR are going to be on BETA?
Could you please give an idea and/or example(s)?

Thank you!
Mr. Monson-Haefel,
It is very special to know that you will be moderating Java Web Services Certification forum!
I would like to express my gratitude for your books Enterprise JavaBeans and J2EE Web Services from which I learnt important new things and prepared well for SCEA, SCBCD and soon for SCDJWS.
Your Enterprise JavaBeans book is also very popular in Russian language and I hope your new book, J2EE Web Services, will be also translated into Russian and published soon.
Thank you very much, once again!
[ April 08, 2004: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
Thank you, Pradeep, and what do you suggest in addition to it?
Thanks again!
I would like to ask involved experts if
The Java(TM) Web Services Tutorial (as of December 17, 2003)
would suffice for BETA exam preparation?
Or a more advanced reading is required to successfully pass BETA exam? In latter case, which book would best complement Sun's tutorial?
Thank you in advance!
[ March 22, 2004: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
Hello everyone!
Sathya, may I ask in what month you heard from Sun? Thank you in advance!
Hello Javini,
Thank you very much for such a helpful post. May I request you to give short description for the kinds of test cases you ran with JUnit against critical sections in and how you caught the problem (in locking code)?
Thank you very much in advance!
Hello George and everyone,
What is a better way to deal with the record status constants: valid and deleted? I know it would be acceptable to make them class constants because they are explicitly defined in the specification, but what would really be a best way? For example, read their value from the properties file, or make them final variables giving them flexibility to vary on each run (without the need to recompile). Or some other way?
Thank you in advance!
[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
Hello George,
Thank you very much for your reply. For specifying the location of db.db file did you use JFileChooser? If yes, then how could the same control be used for viewing and editing properties file? Or did you create a custom control to be used in both ways?
Thank you in advance!
[ March 06, 2004: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
Hello Mark and everyone,
Mark, when you say you have only "one screen and JDialog" do you mean that these two frames is all the GUI there is in your application? Or more GUI controls can still be invoked from main frame's menu bar, such as: File open dialog for locating the database, additional dialog for viewing/editing properties file, and error message boxes for notifying user?
Thank you,
Hello Ian, Ken and George,
I just would like to add that my instructions document allows HTML format for user documentation, and this is where the UML diagrams could go, perhaps under a separate section for technical information.
Thank you.
How detailed (or advanced) are questions on Push Registry?
Do you I need to spend more study time on this topic, or very basic knowledge is tested?
If possible, please provide some examples. Thank you very much in advance!
Davide, thank you very much for the valuable information!
Dear Kathy and Mr. Yuan, please give your advice on one more book as a study material for Beta SCMAD!
Thank you in advance!
Here is the link: (Please scroll down for Table of Contents.)

Programming Wireless Devices with the Java 2 Platform, Second Edition