I think I am not violating the laws/rights of the developer of JDCert Exam. I request the Moderators to please pay their focus on it and let me know.

I just want to help JAVA guys as I know how much trouble and difficulty I faced in searching & collecting all the mock exams available on net because I was not aware of
www.javaranch.com at that time on which the list of all available mock exams on internet are available.(i.e. on Maha's site

I have send the desired file to David , Sachin , Lakshmi , Brian.
If any javaranch user want the file then please send me the mail, I would highly appreciate it as its not possible for me to again and again look this thread.
Thanks and ALL THE BEST.
Manish Singhal
[This message has been edited by Manish Singhal (edited November 13, 2000).]