This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Sapna Korecherla

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since Jul 07, 2002
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Recent posts by Sapna Korecherla

If I have two threads started off like ...


does this mean that both of them start off simultaneously one after the other at the same time?
and if the thread t2 is a timer of the thread t1, then does the timer thread gives the time taken for thread t1 to run( assuming the code for timer is working fine)?

PLease let me know
'2004-03-09T23:11:35.205+00.00' to get date in this format?
20 years ago
How to get the date in UTC format "yyyy-MM-dd'T' 'Z'"?
I know this would work with Calender, DateFormat and Date classes.
The format above prints out the date in 2001-04-04T10.46.23EDT.
But instead of Z I want -05:00 to be printed out.
Please anyone let me know how to get that output.
20 years ago
I have a question, infact a problem, that needs to be solved.
I have an applet that reads a text file.
First when I wrote then the applet and then it did not read the file. It gave the error Access denied ( test.txt read)
Then I changed the policy file and executed it with appletviewer, the applet read the file, but when tried to access the same with IE browser, it did not read.
Why is it so? What should I do to make the IE also read the text file ?
Please let me know.
Thanks in Advance
22 years ago
I tried to register into Javaranch, it was successful. But let me tell you the validation part written for email textfield is misleading.
In my email address, I put the comma instead of period. Now the validation error prompts me to put the @ sign instead of checking invalid characters in the email field.
I think the validation error has to be reasonable showing the correct error.
22 years ago
Always the classpath should be set to the library where all the class files are stored i.e., the JavaHome/lib, where JavaHome is the dir where java is loaded.
So set ur classpath. For beginners u need not set the classpath, all the class files will b loaded in the pwd(present working directory) and it is sufficient that u set the Path to the bin direcory.
22 years ago
check ur main method to defined correctly
22 years ago
I found this question in javaranch mock exam.
Can one object access a private variable of another object of the same class?
The Answer is YES. though the description was given, I could not understand it. I mean it was not clear.
Anyone! explain this!!
22 years ago