Raj Paul

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since Jul 09, 2002
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Recent posts by Raj Paul

Yes, the answer should be B,C
Because, in taglibs the automatic conversion is not there like java beans. In taglib we have a tag named <type> which specifies the type of the variable. default is String.
so B&C is correct

Raj Paul
Yes, A & E are correct.
init() method will be called after instantiation only.
Raj Paul
Hi guys,
Thanx everybody,i hope i will for XML Cert.
and yes, in exam they have specified how many to select.
Raj Paul
Hi Nazmul
Thanx for ur suggestion,i will give a thought on this, where can i get information regarding the xml certification.
Hi everybody,
today i have cleared my exam with 89%. Hope it is descent score.
What u guys will suggest me for further proceedings ? SCJD or XML certification or something.
Again thanks everybody.
Raj Paul
Hi Paul,
so do u mean to say that HTTP request means only GET & POST ?
Raj Paul
see that u import the bean in ur jsp file.
In SCWCD Study Kit, in page 103, it has been said that if an error handler is invoked as a result of either the setStatus() or sendError(), ....
is it possible to invoke a error Handler through setStatus() ?
Thanx for the reply.
Raj Paul
is there any difference between " every request" & "HTTP request" ?? in a
Following is the code for LoginServlet. Assuming that it is not preloaded or preinitialized, which of the given statements about it are correct?
(Statements given below are regarding the methods defined in this class.)
public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet
public void init()
//initialize db.
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
//do something
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
//do something
1) For any HTTP request, at the most 2 of its methods will be called
2) For any and every request, atleast 1 of its methods will be called
3) for any and every request init() will be called
4) init() may be called more than once for an instance of this servlet
5) it'll throw an exception at runtime if an HTTP DELETE request is sent to it.

What would be the answer ?
Which of the following statements correctly store an object associated with a name at a plac where all the servlets/jsps of the same webapp participating in a session can use it?
i answered 3 but jwebplus answered 3,4
In 4, what does the servlet mean.
Please clear this.
the evaluated string is included in output, but the browser wont detect that, because it is inside <!-- --> XML & HTML comment.
Raj Paul
Please see the phrase
valueBound method will be called before the object is accessible through getAttribute method
valueBound method will be called, before the getAttribute method.. The sequence has been said here.