Edwin Keeton

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since Jul 10, 2002
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Congratulations on the book, Tomek! I already have my copy and completed my first reading. Your book is the most useful book on unit testing I have read. And thanks for confirming my high opinions of TestNG and Mockito!
12 years ago
These requirements are ambiguous at best.
12 years ago
A singleton is a type of stateless session bean that is instantiated once and only once per application per JVM. I think the main use case is to share state between components in an application. Basically the same use case as the standard singleton pattern, or anti-pattern depending on your point of view.

A singleton might be a good choice for running some piece of code on a periodic basis, for example.

Check this thread

You just overlooked it Dave. The link to previous downloads is at the bottom of this page.
13 years ago
Core Java Server Faces - David Geary & Cay Horstman
13 years ago
Unfortunately I have no experience with Sage 50 Accounts.

14 years ago
You need to be more specific about which Sage system you're trying to integrate with. Assuming you're talking about The Sage Group plc business management software, there are still many systems included under that umbrella. (Sage MAS90, Sage ACCPAC, Sage ERP X3, and many more.

It sounds like you just need to read data from whatever system it is that you're using. Given that assumption, if your Sage system stores its data in a RDBMS, you may be in luck. In that case, you may be able to do a little reverse engineering to figure out where the data you want to display resides. Then simply create a service to query the db for that information.

Some of the Sage systems use flat file formats, which may even be proprietary and will probably be hard to figure out how to find the data you want. If this is your case, hopefully they will be text files and you will just have to try to look at the files and see if you can make any sense of them.

Another option is to consult with the reseller you bought the system from. They may have the expertise to help. Or you can contact Sage directly and they can refer you to a reseller or development partner or whatever they call people from their approved list.

And for the obligatory disclaimer, I am not associated in any way with Sage Systems.
14 years ago
I missed the part where the elements of the array were integers.
14 years ago
A good book that shows how to get to code from requirements, through analysis and design, is Use Case Drive Object Modeling with UML by Doug Rosenberg and Matt Stephens. I highly recommend it.
Abstract classes do not have to be purely abstract, in other words an abstract class can have implemented methods, as well as fields. These methods and fields of course will be inherited by all concrete child classes. This allows you to guarantee that specific implementations and properties (data) are available in the class hierarchy.

If you don't need this, use an interface instead.
15 years ago
Don't be misled by version numbers.

ADF Faces is a great suite of components. For me though, it's a little too tightly tied in to the whole ADF framework.

RichFaces is another great suite of components. (YAGCS?) Some might find it too closely bound to the JBoss stack.

If I had to choose between only these two, I would choose RichFaces.
15 years ago
There's a new one coming out pretty soon. Ice Faces Book
I'm looking forward to it. Hoping it will be a good one.
15 years ago
How about using an array of Employee in the session variable.
15 years ago
How about "LiveScript"?
16 years ago
Liquid XML Studio might be what you're looking for.