gino mendoza

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since Jul 12, 2002
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Recent posts by gino mendoza

Assuming I'm constrained to what I have now, is there anything else I can use to display static elements in my JSP application in different languages (English ro French)?
19 years ago
Unfortunately that is not under my control. that is in our test environment and another group controls that.
Is that why I'm getting the error?
What can I use with this verison of tomcat?
19 years ago
You said earlier:
Btw, you should be using JSTL 1.0 if you are using a JSP 1.2 container, and JSTL 1.1 if using a JSP 2.0 container.
Just realized my server info is as follows:
SERVER INFO : Tomcat Web Server/3.2.4 (JSP 1.1; Servlet 2.2; Java; HP-UX B.11.00 PA_RISC; java.vendor=Hewlett-Packard Co.)
So what JSTL should I use?
19 years ago
now here's what I did
- put c.tld and fmt.tld under WEB-INF/tld
in the jsp file I have:
<%@ taglib uri="jstl/c" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt" %>
in my web.xml file I have:

Here is the error I get now:
org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException: /opt/www/corp/apova/java/apova/Apova3.jsp(1,0) Unable to open taglibrary jstl/c : Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: External entity not found: "".
Any ideas?
19 years ago
I verified the c.tld and fmt.tld files - they look OK, i.e., they say:
I have a JSP 1.2 container.
My 2 jar files are in WEB-INF/lib
Still getting the error.
What else am I missing?
19 years ago
I verified the tld files.
How do I know what JSP container I have?
19 years ago
I wen tto: to grab the jslt.ajr file.
What I got was a fiel called: jstl-1_1-mr2-api.jar
Is this the same?
I have put that file in the WEB-INF/lib folder, and am still getting the error.
I read in soem sites to get the standard.jar file, but I've been searching and cannot find it. Do I need this file?
19 years ago
OK, I wen tto the site you mentioned.
I followed some links and got to:
I grabed the fiel called, and in it were 2 jstl.jar files, and 2 standard.jar files.
I grabbed the 2 jar files that are in jakarata-taglibs\standard\lib (instead of the files in jakarata-taglibs\standard-1.0\lib)
Still getting the error.
First of all, did I grab the right files?
19 years ago
I wen tto: to grab the jslt.ajr file.
What I got was a fiel called: jstl-1_1-mr2-api.jar
Is this the same?
I have put that file in the WEB-INF/lib folder, and am still getting the error.
I read in soem sites to get the standard.jar file, but I've been searching and cannot find it. Do I need this file?
19 years ago
I'm new and starting to elarn JSTL.
I followed a sample I saw on the web. The first 2 lines of the page has the following:
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
The error I get when I access the page is:
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException: /opt/www/corp/apova/java/apova/Apova3.jsp(1,0) Unable to open taglibrary : Could not locate TLD

Are these links stil valid?
I tried them but I get the SUN page not found.
19 years ago
Can anyone help with formatting amounts to be displayed using JSP?
20 years ago
Eric/anyone -
Do yo have some sample code to format amounts to be displayed using JSP?
I have a JSP page that intially displays in the address bar the JSP file name, and parameters.
After displaying the page I want to be able to hide the paramaeteres or clear the address bar.
Can I do this in JSP, or javascript?
I'm trying to prevent users from sending the URL by email to others.
i need to be able to scan the names of files in a specific folder in a server.
server names is \\uswpdms0102\batches
is this more of a networking question?
thanks in advance.
20 years ago
i need to be able to scan the names of files in a specific folder in a server.
server names is \\uswpdms0102\batches
is this more of a networking question?
thanks in advance.
20 years ago