Raj Birru

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since Jul 12, 2002
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Recent posts by Raj Birru

Is there a website for this book?
One more question to the author: which book is easier to read? I don't think the style of Kathy is suitable for serious certification books
[ July 26, 2005: Message edited by: Raj Birru ]
Say I have an interface with a single method
public interface Something {
Collection getItems(String userId);
And another class implements it.
public class SomethingImpl implements Something {
Collection getItems(String userId){
return null;
This doesn't compile in Eclipse but compiles in Unix with the same java 1.3 compiler.
I know it shouldn't compile but why does it compile in Unix with the same java 1.3.1 compiler?
Is there a review of this book somewhere on the net? How does this book stack against other Ant books?
21 years ago
Timothy, thats right -p option is unix mkdir option. I didn't know that Ant's mkdir is same as mkdir -p. Thanks for the info.
22 years ago
How about using "mkdir"'s -p option?
will that help at all ?
22 years ago
Erik/Steve ,
What differentiates your book from others that are in the market, say Ant: The Definitive Guide.
22 years ago
Erik and Matthew,
Thanks, that helps , I am convinced ant is better than make.
22 years ago
Steve ,
Thanks for the links. But the http://urbancode.com doesn't seem to work.
22 years ago
I am also trying to build a nightly process with /with out using ant. I was thinking I would just use a cronjob to call the ant. Can some one please suggest better way, if there is one ?
22 years ago
Why Should someone use ant if they can instead use make?
22 years ago
Rishi ,
Do you know when will be the new version of this book released?
[ August 01, 2002: Message edited by: Raj Birru ]
22 years ago
Thanks for the links.
I particularly liked the following link about why to use J2ME.
22 years ago
I am new to J2ME. I was wondering what I would need for getting started with J2ME. Could I just download the J2ME software from sun onto my pc or do I need some other device?
22 years ago
Budi ,
Do you think your book is a good book for java archittect exam ?