Prasad Ballari

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since Sep 23, 2000
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Recent posts by Prasad Ballari

Is there any way to integrate Java to Siebel.We want Siebel to call Java programes which connects to AS 400 for equation database.
Thanks in Advance
Thanks for reply.
The data is being fetched from AS/400 & its in Arabic..If i use normal way of writing file,the arabic data appears as juck characters..Thants the reason to use writeUTF method,but the major problem is first two bytes...If we can remove, then the XML file will be validated.
The XML file generated in this way is being used by other applications with Apache parser...
Pls suggest me some solution

Can anybody help me out.
I am using writeUTF to create XML file as the requirement is of using unicode..BUt writeUTF is writing high order bits at first..due to this the xml file is not validated...Is there any ways to remove that bits from xml file....
I tried with reading & writing file again but..due to its nature of unicode it shows junk character...
Thanks in advance
I would like to know, about how to run a java program residing on different Windows Nt m/c from another Windows NT m/c...I want to call some methods from that program..IS it through RMI..If so pls guide me the material to be read.
Thanks in Advance

[This message has been edited by Prasad Ballari (edited July 09, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Prasad Ballari (edited July 09, 2001).]
23 years ago
Thanks Julio for site address.
Thanks to every one, As i am brand new to As/400 i can't understand the full details.Can u pls expain me in detail.
Thanks in advace.


[This message has been edited by Prasad Ballari (edited June 05, 2001).]
Anybody knows how to get data from AS400 i.e from DB2 database to Win NT 4.0 platform is any software readable format (.txt or XML)
Thanks in advance.


[This message has been edited by Prasad Ballari (edited June 05, 2001).]
23 years ago
Anybody knows how to get data from AS400 i.e from DB2 database to Win NT 4.0 platform is any software readable format (.txt or XML)
Thanks in advance.


[This message has been edited by Prasad Ballari (edited June 05, 2001).]
I have set the TOMCAT_HOME & CLASSPATH in tomcat.bat file, but when try to compile my servlet, it says javax.servlet not found..
Can anybody help me.Eveybody says just set TOMCAT & CLASSPATH, but where to set?.Is the tomcat.bat the place to set?.

Pls tell me the exact code to set.
Thanks In Advance
Prasad Ballari
24 years ago
NOw i have got J2EE..& the built in server is up & running, I think that will serve the purpose....
Thanks for your responses...
If anybody knows any intricate thing should be known to take best advantage of the J2EE pls enrich me with that.
24 years ago
Hi Bill Brogden.
I bought your book..There is no sign of of setingup & running the servlets..You have directly jumped to the examples.If the evn is not set, how can you run....In the introdcution you said..
" I use most of the time free jakarta-Tomacat".
But which one is used in the real time applications....
I have Win NT 4 with IIS 4.0 running.Now which web server i should use, that helps me in real time application development..What you say about Java Web Server...
Can you pls explain which Web server is used in world for runnig Servelets..
Thanks & Regards

24 years ago
Its possible.Use webbrowser component as the main communicator to servlets as it uses HTTP protocol to communicate,but your UI must be able to get the stuff from the web browser component

[This message has been edited by Prasad Ballari (edited January 05, 2001).]
24 years ago
hey everybody
wait.. the list is going down...maha anna why can't you make one more discussion room where the interested people can take up thier interested projects.
24 years ago
oh my GOD....
The greate author is answering the question. Thanks William Brogden.I am eagerly waiting for your book.
Paul Wetzel
i have given search there are lot of books, (i wanted to know which one the javaranches prefer to be the good book.)
Thanks & Regards
Prasad Ballari
24 years ago
Thanks Frank Carver
i am looking for servlets and XML.Can you pls tell me.Its very URGENT.
24 years ago
Happy New Year to all.
Can anybody pls tell me which one is the good book for servlets.
24 years ago