Ying Xing

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since Sep 23, 2000
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Recent posts by Ying Xing

Hi Kishan Kumar,
According to JLS, the null type can be converted to any class type, interface type, or array type. Since class String is derived from class Object, when converting null either to type of Object or type of String, the compiler will choose more specific type, which is String. However, if you give StringBuffer instead of Object, since there is no relationship between String and StringBuffer, the compiler will complain about ambiguous reference.

Ying Xing
Hi all,
I'm willing to take SCJD. Could anyone please give me some info regarding SCJD and assignments? My mail id is [email protected]

Thanks in advance
Hi Subha Ambigapathy,
Good luck for your SCJD journey!
I'm also willing to take SCJD. Would you please give me some extra info regarding SCJD and assignments? My email id is [email protected]

Thanks in advance.
Ying Xing
Hi Navpreet,
"Thinking in Java" is very good for learning Java language, and you can get one for free from http://www.mindview.net/TIJ2/index.html .
I also used the "The Java Tutorial" online version for studying AWT and Collections, and the "Java in a Nutshell" by David Flanagan for studying inner classes.
"A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification" by Mughal and Rasmessen is excellent for preparing and passing SCJP exam.
If you want to deeply understand Java, you can refer to "The Java Language Specfication" from http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/index.html
BTW, try to practice as many code as possible.
Ying Xing

[This message has been edited by Ying Xing (edited September 30, 2000).]
Hi Sanjeev Verma,
You can get more infomation about String.intern() from http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum24/HTML/004054.html

Ying Xing
Hi Cindy Tcq,
Since different people have different background, maybe my experience will not apply to you. Here is my preparation.
In the first three months of preparation, I spent at least three hours a day on learning the JAVA language especially specific rules and concepts. In the mean time, I did not participate in Javaranch Forum. I only took some small test such as Sun's sample, Bill brogden's online exam simulation applet and Robert and Heller's self test to get a feel what the exam looks like, which area I need to study more and which kind of question sun might ask. I did not take the mock exam which contents 60 questions such as Marcus Green's exams, Mughal Khalid's exam and Exam Cram sample test, I saved them later.
In the last month of preparation, I spent more than three hours a day( more than 5 hours a day in the last two weeks ) on reviewing. I participated in Javaranch forum, did most mock exams. My scores were usually greater than 80%. The day before my exam, I took Exam Cram sample test( 1st attempt) and PGJC sample test( 2nd try ), I got 93% and 90% respectively, and that was what I got in my real exam.
When you participate in Javaranch forum, try to answer as many questions as possible, do the research by yourself, do not take other's answers for granted because sometime they are also wrong.
Practice as many code as possible, sometimes the best way to get the answer is from your machine.
That's all my experience. Hope it will help you!

Ying Xing
Thanks all,
My next goal is SCJD ? I don't have confidence. It took me four months of hard working to pass the SCJP. I don't know how long it will take for passing SCJD . Are there any sample assignment on the Internet? Please give me some suggestions!

Thanks in advance,
Ying Xing

[This message has been edited by Ying Xing (edited September 29, 2000).]
Dear all,
I'd like to share this good news with all of you. I passed SCJP2 with a score of 93% in my first try this morning.
A lot of thanks to all the moderators especialy Maha Anna for her excellent collection of mock exam list and discussions. Also thanks to Paul Anil, Yiqing Ye, Sampaths, Victor Wong for answing my douts and all your folks for posting some good quetions.
JavaRanch is a wonderful place for preparing SCJP exam. I've been sticking to this site in the last three weeks. Answering some questions has really helped my own understanding.
For the exam, the questions were well worded, no ambiguity. I found the difficulty level was similar to Exam Cram mock test(I got 93% in first try the day before my exam date) and Marcus exams.
Some advices:
1. Please consider what Sampaths has said about the Threads.
2. About GridBagLayout, you need to know which GridBagConstrains' field can affect the size of the component and the size of row or column.
3. About I/O, you need to know the argument type of the I/O's constructors and how to read local files line by line.
4. About the books, I mainly refer to PGJC( Programmer's Guid to Java Certification). JLS is also excellent for preparing SCJP. ExamCram has good questions for pratising.
5. Must try sun's sample questions. I got similar questions on my test!

Good luck and best wishes to all of you,
Ying Xing

[This message has been edited by Ying Xing (edited September 29, 2000).]
Hi faiza haris:
"In the code...if class C extends from B which further is extending from A, then super(5) in main gives an error."
This is because when you call super(5) inside class C's constructor, it will try to call B(int) version in class B, since there is no such constructor defined in class B, you will get a compilation error.
BTW, it is not multiple inheritance in this case( C extends B, B extends A ).

Ying Xing
Hi Joe Casad:
Which statements are true about listeners?
A.The return value from a listener is of boolean type. //FALSE, the return type is void
B.Most components allow multiple listeners to be added. // TRUE
C.A copy of the original event is passed into a listener method. // FALSE, a copy of reference is passed
D.If multiple listeners are added to a single component, they all must all be friends to each other. // FALSE
E. If the multiple listeners are added to a single component, the order [in which listeners are called is guaranteed]. // FALSE, the order is NOT guaranteed
Ans B only
Hi hema janani,
For your question 1, just as you have mentioned "if an anonymous class extends existing class,rather than implementing an interface,then argument for the superclass constructor may be placed in the argument part." Here, the complexInterface refers an EXISTING CLASS, so the construction of the anonymous class "new complex Interface(x){}" is valid.
For your question 2, Interrupted exception can NOT stop the thread from executing.

Hi Kishan Kumar,
You can find the answer from JLS 2nd 14.20 ( http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/statements.doc.html#236365 )

Thanks YiQing,
Really appreciate!!! Hopes you succeed in USA!
Hi Viji,
I think you've mixed up inner classes and inheritance. If inner2 extends inner, objectInner2.i will be ok!
