Matt Kidd

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since Jul 17, 2002
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Recent posts by Matt Kidd

In this day and age code samples seem to be all the rage. I just looked at the free tier for AWS and I think it works out to just over a month for the t2.micro instance. I've never used AWS before let alone deployed a Java application to it nor do I know what the usage of one person would be.

So in short cost is my main concern.

If one was to go through the AWS in Action book would the free instance be enough?

Is it sufficient to have a site where your example code could be deployed thus showing the ability to code as well as use AWS?
8 years ago

Junilu Lacar wrote:

Andrew Stellman wrote:

And as it turns out, when waterfall projects are run effectively, it’s because their teams take to heart many of the same values, principles, and practices that agile projects follow. Projects that are run using some agile techniques and practices—but that don’t really follow the agile values and principles—often end up running into the same kinds of problems that plague waterfall projects.

This is why I keep getting back to mindset, attitude, values, and principles. Those things have a huge impact on how well an agile (or waterfall!) team builds software.]Learning

Absolutely agree. But that makes me question the labels "waterfall" and "agile" in these cases. Is a so-called waterfall project really waterfall if the teams follow agile principles and values? Is a so-called agile project really agile if the teams don't really follow agile values and principles? Who is more righteous, the man who says "Yes" but doesn't do what he says he'll do or the man who says "No" but ends up doing the right thing anyway?

Completely agree!! Labels are just that and business owners at the end of the day don't care how you've organized or run your team. They just want their product completed. I'm sure examples can be found of projects following agile methodologies to a T and still failing.

Junilu Lacar wrote:

Matt Kidd wrote:I had every intention of instituting some form of agile but the current Director of PMO is against it without providing reason.

And the director's objection to Agile is stopping you because... ? At the very least, did you press the director to have a discussion about his objections? Is there anything stopping you from using agile technical practices? I would do things like continuous integration, automated testing, and other agile technical practices anyway. After all, these practices contribute to the quality of the software, regardless of whether the project is Agile or not. I find it's not hard to justify using agile technical practices even when there are objections to using agile process practices.

I did press with the intention of seeing how the processes differ so I could adjust but I was met with essentially "I don't have to prove to you or tell you why I don't like agile".

Admittedly I was looking for a holistic change as that was what was proposed to me and wanted to lead thew way with many of the things you mentioned like CI and automated testing. However I felt I didn't get much support in that regard to implement even though I could have just done it. Live and learn I guess.
I know the current book promotion is about learning agile but if you are in an environment reluctant to change from it's current waterfall/whatever practices aren't you mostly just reading to educate yourself?

I ask this because I was recently hired to be the first of two developers in an internal software team. I had every intention of instituting some form of agile but the current Director of PMO is against it without providing reason.

I've been on both sides recently and I can't see why any software team does anything besides an agile methodology. From the constant updates, to being abreast of issues as they happen, to having a constantly deployable code base I am baffled as to why places exist that use waterfall.
The honest answer, aside from "I don't know" because I really feel I don't anymore, would be I want to write Java code with a sprinking of JS (maybe) as part of a team where the only thing I need to do aside from contribute is ensure I'm a better developer/engineer today than I was yesterday.
9 years ago
I recently took what I thought was a great job that was going to allow me to doing many things but it turned out to be more of a legacy/support position and not a new development position. So I'm looking again.

My resume shows that I have done many things using many technologies in my career but since taking this job I haven't used them that much if at all.

Also, I've been in the industry long enough that I could be a Lead/Senior engineer and so for a lot of the possible positions I've interviewed for have been for that especially because that was the original intention of this role: be the first of the two lead developers for an internal team.

Well my resume belies someone that has done many things but these interviews do not seem to show it. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't used technologies of late or I just perform better when I have code in front of me that already works and I add to it.

I guess my confidence is fairly shaken and I'm wondering if it's even worth it to stay in IT. I know I can do the things on my resume but I've reached a point in my life that I have no intention of being a walking compiler, api compendium, or just some weirdo that prefers to be behind a computer screen 24/7.

But I know I can do the things on my resume and I have done them.

I feel this is starting to ramble but I think I've conveyed my confusion so I'll just see if people reply and answer their questions.
9 years ago
With this new edition it appears Websockets are covered and I'm really interested in this area. In past demos I've seen messaging queues like RabbitMQ used to implement websockets and in this book it appears that STOMP is used specifically for websockets and a separate chapter is devoted to messaging.

Is STOMP the standard websockets implementation for Spring? Does it differ from the standard Spring websocket module?
9 years ago
I browsed the Iron Clad book and it jogged my memory of having already viewed something similar from a csslp certifcation about secure software development. Would it be fair to say that Iron Clad java is a java specific implementation of the following:
9 years ago
I give the caveat of 2014 because shortly after being hired I was initially asked to do a "lunch n learn" about Java, mostly about it's capabilities and features, and the decision to use Java going forward had already been made. Now this lunch and learn isn't for the developers because that's me but for everyone else in this previously all Oracle shop.

A brief and panicked google search led me a book published in 1997.

In the time since that book was released I feel the industry has gone from java to RoR to javascript to back to java and I know based on my experience anything you can do in one you can do in the others. So my task is more allaying of fears that we aren't using Oracle, which we will be because that's where all the data is.

Even typing this I'm getting frustrated and confused because the depth and breadth of what Java can do is virtually anything.

I'm not even sure if this is the right place to post this question as this could just be a powerpoint about MVC and I can keep it moving to the backlog that is developing already.

So if you were asked the broad question of "What is Java and what can it do?" what would you do?
10 years ago
This is why I've loved this place for so many years. Direct response in addition to other ways to think about implementation.

@Paul: Makes perfect sense.

@Chris: In all honesty, complexity, laziness, and this application is being built for this one time use. Plus I'm doing this all in memory at the moment using H2 and I'm trying to mitigate the H2 learning curve without changing to using a file.

Thanks all.
So I'm writing a quick app to compare to large data sets. As they are large I put them into an H2 database figuring this would be an easy and quick solution. Headaches later, I've run into a problem where I can query one table but using that the ResultSet to query another ResultSet leads me to the following error:

org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: The object is already closed

This occurs in the outer while loop of the code below.

Is there something I'm missing about JDBC that is causing it to close one ResultSet as soon I create another ResultSet?
Is there a simple listing of those various libraries somewhere that I could browse?
I recently participated in the creation of a small websockets chat app. Prior to this my only experience with this great tech was from the perspective of the backend being implemented in a Spring stack that I saw at a conference. Well this app I helped create was done in node.js and everything seemed to be ready to go out the box with node.js where as a messaging layer needed/had to be added for websockets to work within the Spring stack.

Outside of Spring, do most implementations of websockets handle the messaging for you? I saw a Kaazing demo and it seemed they too would provide the messaging stack for you that node seems to just "do".
So I want to build a game engine. I don't know how to begin really and want to use the experience as a learning for myself because I am not being given the oppurtunity at work to build something that could be REALLY BIG in the end.

How much help could I expect for something I'm doing by myself without knowing where to start and may seem...."academic" in nature i.e. may seem like a homework assignment eventhough it's not.
12 years ago

William Brogden wrote:
Design patterns in general are worth browsing through when you are hunting for inspiration but don't feel you have to cram every problem into a named pattern.


Thanks Bill. I appreciated this insight. Though I may use it as an excuse to glance/not memorize patterns