Alex Qiu

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since Jul 19, 2002
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Recent posts by Alex Qiu

Hi there , I now somehow want to extend Jsp from certain basic class .
Then all Jsps can inherit some general function .
Can we do that ?
How ?
Hi , I just finish the SCJD cert and just start the study of SCEA .
Now I am reading a note about
Warm backup and Cold backup .
They seem to be alike coz they all make a backup in a certain time intervals .
Then what is the real difference between them ?
Can anyone kindly tell me about this ?
Thank you in advance .
Hi there , as a beginner , where can I found some good resources in the internet and begin my self study ?
Thank you very much .
21 years ago
I have to thank you all in this discussion forum .
Without you , I can't make it .
Thank you very much .
Grade: P
Score: 141
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible number of points is 155; the minimum to pass is 124. Section Summary Report: General Considerations: Maximum=58 Deductions=6 Actual=52 Documentation: Maximum=20 Deductions=5 Actual=15 GUI: Maximum=24 Deductions=3 Actual=21 Server: Maximum=53 Deductions=0 Actual=53 Total: Maximum=155 Deductions=14 Certification Score=141
21 years ago
Yes , I read it in the weekend .
Really thanks for your reply .
I should make questions after a complete reading .
21 years ago
Maybe try to set the cookie name with
"JSESSIONID" instead .
See does it works , I just read it from specs .
21 years ago
"Who is reponsible to redirect our request to first machine or the other one"
Does this has some relationship with the JNDI tree that build in the application server and can identify the servlet containers in distributed system ? or other implementation ?
Just curious ...
21 years ago
The spec of Servlet2.3 said :
ServletContext is in each JVM (maybe different)and Session is shared between JVM . (When in distributed system)
But in the Session Chapter 7 , it said :
HttpSession objects must be scoped at the application (or servlet context) level.
Problem is "(or servlet context)" .
If in servlet context level , that can be different in each JVM for the session when in distributed system .
Is there something wrong ?
I am really confused . what say you ?
Thank you in advance .
21 years ago
Two weeks passed and I couldn't see my result !
Should I contact sun about that ?
Any idea on this ?
Excuse me , the treeView is listening for the job .
22 years ago
Great thanks to you , Nathan .
I am confused in it for a whole day .
Mine custom tree is in a scrollpane , the scrollpane is in a panel(here call myPanel) which I pack it as a Java Bean .
Then I set add myPanel in the Frame.getContentPane() .
I do print the point in console when dragOver .
It shows out to be the point based on the frame(or maybe the contentPane) .
And this DND feature runs well when I put the treeview on the top left of the frame .
(overlap the 2 coordinates)
So I think the method of the tree getPathForLocation(x, y); here I need to provide its relative coordinate . Maybe related to its parent . The JViewport .
But the getLocation() of JViewport returns (0,0)
which its location maybe also related to its parent JScrollPane ...
As I have to pack the whole thing into a java bean . How can I accomplish this ?
Have you any idea on it ?
Thanks again for your patient .
22 years ago
Hi ,I am trying to perform a drag-and-drop feature on the JTree .
Now encounter a problem , it is :
My custom tree is in a scrollpane .
So during drag and drop ,
in the DropTargetListener , dragOver Event
public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent dtde){
// this method get the point in obsolute coordinate .
Point p = dtde.getLocation();
// Then want to get the current TreeNode under the point of the mouse
// in this method , the (x, y) seems to need to use the relative coordinate .
// now it should provide the point base on the scrollpane .
TreePath path = TreeView.this.getPathForLocation(p.x, p.y);
// Then the path is null , even the mouse is over a treenode .
// coz the TreeView is added in a scrollPane and
// the scrollPane is added on another panel .
Any one help me to solve this problem ? Or tell me how to deal with it ...
Any help is appreciated .
Thank you in advance .
22 years ago
What you mean is the tree leaves are the checkbox , others are 3 state radio button ?
you need a custom tree renderer , checking whether the node is the leaf , then return the checkbox or the radio button component in getTreeCellRendererComponent(...)
That is the key step .
22 years ago
Just wondering when writing code ...
It seems no way , so post this topic .
22 years ago
Such as
Hashtable lvHT = new Hashtable();
Object obj = lvHT;
// Then how to automatically cast the obj back to Hashtable ?
If write code , I can cast it (Hashtable)obj , but how can it "automatically" cast back ?
Is there any way to do this ?
22 years ago