Maximilian Trenks

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since Jul 22, 2002
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Recent posts by Maximilian Trenks

Many thanx Kyle.
This hint was what I needed and I hope I can resolve my problem on friday.
In case it doesn't work, I will post a new message with the stacktrace.
21 years ago
Unfortunately I don't have my box available at the moment.
So I can't tell you the exception I get when trying to look up my Entity Bean. But I may have a problem with understanding the need to use the java:comp/env namespace. In most articles I have read, the people use the following JNDI bindings "com/mycompany/somepackage/someclassname".
There is absolutely no sign of "java:comp/env", but as mentioned before I may not understand - maybe the "java:comp/env" is the standard namespace.
But on weekend I will be at home (where my box is standing) and I will post my exception, maybe you can help me again.
Really many many thank yous !!!
21 years ago
Hi Kyle,
is there any paper or article you can recommend that describes the jndi names I have to use when building a session fascade with Websphere 5.0 ?
This would help me a lot.
Many thanx,
21 years ago
Kyle, thank you for the reply.
I found it in a review on, someone replied on the review:
here the link:
Message #79783
" 2.1 It does not work. The SAME application is working UNMODIFIED on JBoss and weblogic, but not on websphere. For example have you tried to run local ejb calls in websphere ? If you want do it, you have to discover that there is a local namespace and use IN YOUR CODE. Since this, i have in my code (write once run anywhere BUT on websphere):
static final String WASLOCALJNDISTRING = "local:ejb/";
public static String getSequenceLocalHome() {
if (SystemProperties.isWebsphere())
21 years ago
I am testing some J2EE applications and have the following problem.
I wrote a Test Client which makes some DB calls using the Session Facade Pattern. As client and server are on the same machine, I didnt create a client.jar file with the bunch of interfaces, value objects, client file etc., but directly called the client from command line.
I want to seperate client and server (2 different machines).
What do I have to do on my client machine and on my server machine in order to get this scenario running ?
1. How do I create a client.jar file with all the relevant files including the stub for remote calling ? Is there a tool which can create this jar file ? Can the client.jar exist without an .ear file ? I deployed my EJBs just in a .jar file, not in an .ear file ....
2. I suppose weblogic.jar is needed on the client machine + my client.jar file. Is this what represents the client container? Is there anything else that I have to take care off ?

Please help me, I am stuck so far :-(
21 years ago
somehow I have the problem of not beeing able to look up my Entity Bean's local home interface in my Session Facade Bean (=Session Bean).
I try to lookup the JNDI name of the local home interface as I have read in an article using the local scheme: local:ejb/.
First of all I have the following question:
When I use "stage.person.PersonBean" as my JNDI Name, in which schema is it located ? Usually lookup with .lookup("stage.person.PersonBean") works fine, but when I use the local home interface it can't be found.
So do i have to set the JNDI name to: "local:ejb/stage/person/PersonBean" in order to make it work ?
And why Websphere doesn't find the local Schema. Sorry that I can't provide the stacktrace, but I can tell you that the Server can't find the local Schema.
I appreciate any hints, in order to get my Session Facade pattern running.
-- Max
21 years ago
Thanx for your replies !
Can I generate my classes from the UML plugins with just a click ?
Hi there,
probably someone has asked this before ...
I guess there are some plugins for J2EE right now, but which one really works great !?
Are there also vendor specific plugins like for Weblogic, Jboss or Websphere ?
And btw can you guys tell me if there are UML plugins available too and if yes which is the best ?
many thanx,
Hi there,
I heared that Eclipse has its own graphics library, SWT. Does this influence the GUI development with Eclipse ? Can't I develop AWT or Swing applications with Eclipse ?
Is it possible to export SWT library and use it in client deployments ?
Hello there,
as I am totally new to Eclipse and unfortunately also to ant I have a question.
Basically I just want to create a .jar file and a .sh file with all settings for starting my client which is located in the .jar file.
What steps do I have to make in order to accomplish above goals ?
I guess I have to write an .xml file with the ant tasks. Can I use eclipse editor to do this ?
Many thanx for your answers,
Hi there,
I installed the 1.4.1 runtime and tried to let it run with eclipse. In the preferences I set JVM version to 1.4. In the project settings I replaced the old rt.jar with the new rt.jar .
And I also put the new JRE into the Installed JREs in preferences/Java.
Guess what, it doesn't work ....
What steps do I have to make in order to get it running ?
Thanx for your help,
can anybody tell me how the Connector Architecture works ?
Do those connectors also live in a container like EJB-Container or Web-Container ?
Is there anything that prevents me from using JCA outside of an J2EE Environment ?
Many thanx for your answers,
I did define a local refence from my Session bean to the Entity bean. But why doesn't it show up in the JNDI tree ? Are local jndi entries stored somewhere else or isn't JNDI here used at all ?
21 years ago
Hi there,
when I tried to deploy my CMP 2.0 Entity Bean I deployed it with local interfaces only. In my Session Bean I try to lookup the Entity Bean (with "local:ejb/org/dipl/PersonHome") but I fail with the following exception:
WSCL0100E: Es wurde eine Ausnahmebedingung empfangen:
javax.naming.ConfigurationException: Nami
ngManager.getURLContext can not find the factory for this scheme: local
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at PersonClient.runClient(
at PersonClient.main(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

Any1 out there who knows what is wrong here ?
Where do I get a local scheme from ?
Why didn't I find my entity Bean in the JNDI tree when running the dumpNameSpace.bat utility ?

Many thanx for your answers,
21 years ago