Tracy Woo

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since Jul 23, 2002
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Recent posts by Tracy Woo

Originally posted by Sam Kebab:
Here i found a feature list of the NetBeans ide. Hard to believe it being free. Just imagine what this ide can do for you.
If you can find another open source ide as feature rich as this one, do let me know.

It might have a big feature list but it lacks one of the most basic features - exporting the resources (java files, classfiles, etc) from it's directory structure to another location (or as a jar file). Does it have that feature? I could not find it. I switched to Eclipse just because of this. If you know how to do that in NetBeans, please let me know.
As I mentioned earlier, it dumps all the versions of a file ( the ~ files) in the same directory. How am I supposed to get rid of them when I want to create a jar/war for deployment???

Originally posted by Marcus Green:
"I think the Java World really really needs a powerful and smart IDE. MS VisualStudio?"
Is it free?

Are you kidding
On a serious note, it would be worth buying even if it were not free. I wish MS had not played the cheap trick of windowizing Java in VJ++.

Originally posted by Sudharsan G'rajan:
IMHO, JDeveloper is pretty stable though it needs 256MB RAM. It has all good features, J2EE development, deployment, Debugging, Profiling, etc., I'm happy with it.

Is it free?

Originally posted by Dan Jepp:
Each time a CGI request is received the web server has to spawn a new process (v.expensive) to handle it.
With Servlet technology, the reusable servlet class is usually already loaded and in memory and ready to server the request.
Dont forget CGI is implemented via a simple script file so theres not much to reuse!

As I understand, CGI is just a protocol that specifies how the parameters from the clients can be sent to a process and vice versa. It can even be implented using Java. I read somewhere that some webserver allow the CGI based programs in certain languages to be "always loaded". No need to spawn a whole new process. So what Vanin is saying is right. It can be and has been done.
However, the main benefit of Servlets lies in the fact that you have the whole set of Java APIs to work with. You get the standard advantages of OOP. You get platform independence. And the Java Servlet standard is very functional at a very high level, so you don't have to do much (as compared to Perl, say) to have caching etc.
BTW, you get all that using PHP too But then it is not Java
I was in the same boat looking for a free IDE a couple of months back. I was a die hard VA fan (I still am) but I had to give it up because it does not have JDK 1.4 support.
So I tried NetBeans first and then Eclipse. I am finally using Eclipse now.
NetBeans: The main reason I did not like NetBeans was the lack of an "export" feature. Furthe, it maintains all the versions of a file in the same place and it is really difficult to export the classes or java files into a jar (or war as the case may be). I played with it for many days but was disappointed by too many NPEs.
So, I think it is good but needs a couple of more versions to be useful (for me, that is).

Eclipse: I don't like and use the GUI builders, so that was no issue for me. Eclipse GUI is definitely a lot more crisp and responsive than NetBean. I have been using it for past month now, and never got an NPE. The basic version, the one without any pugins is overall good.

Originally posted by David Hibbs:

I'd like to know what you think is lacking in Eclipse. Have you tried 2.0? IMHO Eclipse rules.

Problems with Eclipse:
1. I tried to get the Lomboz plugin to work and finally got it to work too (after a week of banging my head) but didn't like it at all. It needs so many settings and is so finicky. It seems, it needs more care than your own application that want to work on. So finally, I got rid of the Lomboz plugin and decided to sacrifice the Servlet debugging (there is no jsp debugging yet). I now use external Tomcat.
2. Eclipse has an export feature but it is tooo stupid (as compared to VAJ). In VAJ I can just click on a node and export just that whereever I want. Eclipse, however, exports the whole freaking directory structure. For example, In my project TestProj, I have src and bin for sources and classes. So when I export a java/class file to say c:\tomcat\webapps\testproj\WEB-INF\classes, it creates c:\tomcat\webapps\testproj\WEB-INF\classes\TestProj\bin\...
So, I am having a real pain in exporting the classes to my WEB-INF\classes directory.
Further, it does not even remember the previous "types" that I exported. So everytime I have to click more than a couple of controls to specify that I want to export only the class files.
3. Eclipse has TONS of plugins. However, I am not sure how useful they are. The only one that I needed was Lomboz for JSP/Servlet development and I didn't like it.
So, overall, neither NetBeans nor Eclipse is that great as some fans might claim. But then you can't's free. I hope it gets more
useful after a couple of versions.
BTW, JBuilder Enterprise 6.0/7.0 is pretty good. I use it at my office. It has internal Tomcat (for which don't have to set anything, it just works) and has EXCELLENT JSP debugging. Of course, it is not free. And looks like it can't be run on any other machine even with the license file
I think the Java World really really needs a powerful and smart IDE. MS VisualStudio?

Originally posted by Bill Bailey:
Hey, who really use Inner classes in real life ?

I am not surprised that you find the exam stupid. It is clear that you haven't programmed in real life
This is exam IS NOT for proving that you are a good designer and developer. It is for proving that you know the java language fundamentals. It is just a base for all you future endeavours and it should be strong. This exam exposes the cracks in your base, if any.
22 years ago

Originally posted by Timber Lee:
how does the HttpSession move from one JVM to another?
thanks for help!

That is implementation dependent. But the spec mandates that it must be consistent with the Java serialization mechanism. That means, as a developer, you can assume that it will behave as if it were moved using the serialization mechanism.
That's true. But then nodody outsources "key" or very critical tasks. Routine programming tasks are not very much affected by a change in the programmer. A company will be in trouble if their architect is missing! But a programmer can be replaced easily with another one. Those are the kind of things that can be outsourced for cheap.
Outsourceing critical components to Big 5 consulting companies (KPMG, E&Y et.c) has been going on for years. Now there are such reputable companies outside US too, which are probably not as cheap as $15 but still much cheaper than Big5. In my office, we have some contractors from Infosys India. We pay $30/hr to Infosys for each contractors. And some of the contractors have been here longer than myself (1+ yr). What I am trying to say is that a company can always go to a reputable company for cheap resources to mitigate the risk of attrition.
In our case, the contractors are in the US. But it is not at all unimaginable that the work they do here is shifted to India. In such a case, the cost will be even lower. Now, does $15/hr still look a bad proposition to you? Not to my management and I am s*** scared of it.
22 years ago
This might be an overzealous company but the reality is not very different from it. All "mundane" task can and are being outsourced to countries with cheaper workforce.
Now, who is harmed and who is benefitted from this is a different issue. But it sure makes the management happy!
22 years ago
Language Syntax and language API are two different things. I believe a Java programmer should know the syntax (such as declaring an array) very well. And a Cobol programmer should know Cobol syntax. If you don't know and if I were to acess your skills, I would not be impressed.
APIs are always changing/increasing so not knowing the signature for the methods should be no big deal.
22 years ago
This is for Eclipse+Lamboz users. I was wondering what is the standard (or common) development pattern for developing and debugging JSP/Servlet based apps in eclipse.
Right now what I've got is a small test web app that I created as per the Lamboz document. So my workspace has just one Webapp root and a couple of jsp files. But for a bigger project I'll need to have ton of utility classes, servlet and jsp. So how is your workspace organized? What are the steps that you take to test the code immeditatly after you modify something?
When do you use the "Deploy Container" option? (I am confused because I was able to run the app without deploying ) Actualy, what do they mean by Deploy Container? You don't deploy a container (Tomcat), right? You deploy a webapp.
Please share your expertise.
Well, you are not alone, David I had that problem too. Other than that, it had a repaint problem that is so common to java based GUIs. Agreed, it is feature packed and good looking but only when it's not doing anything
I tried Eclipse again after Ilja's recommendation and so far it looks good. It's GUI is definitely crisp and responsive. I am using the Lamboz plugin for JSP/Servlet, which is a pain to configure. Although I have been able to get it working, I still haven't got a complete handle on it.
I don't use a GUI builder anyway so that's not an issue.
Does eclipse have:
1. Integrated Web application development? [Of course, I can write servlets if I include servlet jar in the classpath].
2. JSP/Servlet debugging?
3. Another feature that I loved in VAJ was versioning using local repository. Can you do that in Eclipse?
May be I do not how to do that. If you know, please do let me know.
[ November 19, 2002: Message edited by: Tracy Woo ]
I have used many IDEs and I have observed that IDEs written in Java such as NetBeans, jEdit, and IDEA are considerably slower than platform dependent IDEs. No doubt they are feature packed but their slowness causes irritation. Besides speed, their GUI, since based on swing, is at best mediocre.
Earlier I used to think VAJ is slow, but when I used NetBeans, I am dying to go back to VAJ but unfortunately there is no free version. They stopped it at 4 and it does not support jdk1.4.
I was hoping Eclipse would be good but then it a bare bones editor right now. No really useful features for Java development that NetBeans has.
In visual age, there is a tool for exporting the classes (.java or .class or both) in a directory or as a jar file. It also has an option "Select all referenced types" that figures out what other classes are used by the class(es) that you are trying to export.
Does anybody know of such tool/module in netbeans?
The reason I am asking for it is that I have a big project in NetBeans and I just want to get a jar file for a small number of classes out of it.