Prashanth Paul

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since Jul 24, 2002
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Recent posts by Prashanth Paul

Hi ,
I have a java.util.Date object that is obtained as an input to my application. Now this Date will be in a particular format.
I need convert it to String without changing the format of the incoming Date object. In other words, I need to preserve the date format of the incoming Date when it is converted to String .
Can someone let me know how to identify the format of the incoming Date object and then convert it to String. Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
Hi ,
Can u pls continue this thread. This is very useful for all. :roll:
21 years ago
Hi All ,
I am curious know something about the Null interface . What are they ? Can Cloneable , Serializable be called as Null interfaces ? Please let me know.
Hi ,
I want to send synchronous messages from my application. I use the message selector to filter the response messages based on the message id .The application that receives the messages sets the request message id to the JMSCorrelatioID of the response message and sends the message back.
I just wanted to know how to use the message selector to get the response message.Please let me know asap.