Kavitha Chandrasekaran

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since Jul 24, 2002
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Recent posts by Kavitha Chandrasekaran

Problem resolved

The setting that I had to change was under Admin Console  Data sources > DB2 Universal JDBC Driver DataSource > Custom properties > resultSetHoldabilityValue was set to 1.
and it worked.

“Determine whether ResultSets are closed or kept open when committing a transaction. The possible values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT), 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).”

15 years ago
I am using the same connection to create the two result sets. But the result sets are created from 2 different statements. This is acceptable right?
15 years ago

Shown below is the part of code that creates the second result set. The 2 result sets are created in different SQL statements in different methods.

So you think it could be my local setting in RAD 7.0. Becuase this code currently works in V51 - for years.

15 years ago
Paul and Cameron,

Please find the details.


15 years ago
Hi Cameron,

I di dmost of what you said and have answers. I will compile and post them shortly.


15 years ago

I am in the process of migrating an app from V5 to V61 in RAD 7.0. I am connecting to the DB fine, bringing back data etc.

I am having trouble in this one scenario.
- ResultSet is created
- for each row in the ResultSet, additional SQL is done to get more info.
- when the control comes back to processing the next row in the ResultSet, the reference to the ResultSet is completely lost.

I am using the same connection to perform the additional SQL, taht ccreated the ResultSet too.

This application has been running in production for years and I am having the problem only in RAD 7.0.

Anyone experience similar issue? Please help.

Thank You.
15 years ago
I am new to using XML in VAJ 3.5.3 environment.
I am using VAJ 3.5.3. I have imported IBM XML Parser for Java to my work bench. The example class compiles properly, but when run, I get a NoClassDefFoundError com.ibm.xml.parser.Parser.
How do I eliminate this error and run the code. Please help.

* Starts the application.
* @param args an array of command-line arguments
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
Parser parser;
Document doc;
Element root;
FileInputStream FIS;
Node child,child2;
// Open the XML file passed as a parameter in memory.
FIS = new FileInputStream("d:/contacts.xml");
// Instantiating a Java based XML parser
// Passing the XML file to the XML parser
parser = new Parser("d:/contacts.xml");
doc = parser.readStream(FIS);
// Loading the memvar root with the root element in the XML tree
root = doc.getDocumentElement();
child = root.getFirstChild();

child2 = child.getNextSibling();
// Printing out the name of the root element in the XML tree
// in a DOS window
System.out.println("The Root Element is: " + root.getNodeName());
System.out.println("The First Child is: " + child.getNodeName());
System.out.println("The First Child is: " + child2.getNodeName());
// Primitive exception handling
catch (Exception excp)
System.out.println("Exception raised:" + excp.toString());
The xml file in D drive is
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<EmpName id="eoo1" age="22">Tesr</EmpName>
<Address>D3-83 NDA</Address>
I am having intermittent problems with session objects. I read that a cookie stores the session ID. Did anyone have similar problems with storing and retrieving session objects?
This is where I store in a JSP page
session.setAttribute("TESTUser", aTESTUser);
Getting the object back in JAVA,
TESTUser aTESTUser = (TESTUser)session.getAttribute("TESTUser");
Plese let me know if anyone has had similar problem before.
21 years ago
This is my problem statement. I will appreciate if somone can give an hint on what I am doing wrong.
The user logs on using Policy Director(LDAP). The userID and userGroup are recieved successfully.

My user object is USERObj. I have variables
String userGroup;
String UserId;
boolean DelAuth;
boolean UpdAuth;

If I received the userGroup as "DELUPD" - I parse this string and set the values DelAuth and UpdAuth to true.
I store the object by session.setAttribute("USERObj", anUserObj) where anUserObj is the instance.
In the following pages, the object is available but all the values are reset to false. Is there some thing that I am doing wrong?

Should I just save the userGroup and parse it in every JSP page to check if the user has DEL/UPD auth??
Please help!!
21 years ago
Thanks Darryl!!
The information is pretty good.
21 years ago
I have two definition list in tiles-defs.xml. How will I uniquely identify which list was called in the JSP.
Example, how do I retrieve the definiton name in JSP??
Please help.

<definition name="view.menu.links" path="/layouts/menu.jsp">
<put name="title" value="Action Links"/>
<putList name="items">
<item value="MRTS Home" link="/index.jsp" classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem"/>
<definition name="update.menu.links" path="/layouts/menu.jsp">
<put name="title" value="Action Links"/>
<putList name="items">
<item value="MRTS Home" link="/index.jsp" classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem"/>
21 years ago
I am new to Struts. I read that we can use style sheets in tiles.
I tried to include style sheet like
<LINK REL='stylesheet' HREF="../css/master.css" TYPE='text/css'>
But my jsp pages are not recognizing the styles.
Is there a specific location that I should place the stylesheet?
21 years ago
As most developers using VAJava 3.5.3 would be aware that the compiled JSP is placed in a folder IBM/IDE/project_resources/IBM WebSphere Test Environment/temp/Jsp1_0/default_app.
And the files have an id tied to the name of the file as _Myproject__Filename_xjsp_479076106. When you modify Myproject_Filename.jsp and reload it, the file in the Jsp1_0 folder gets replaced with the new one. We are running into a situation where all the logs are being stored without getting replaced. This is happening in only one particular system.
Please post your suggestion/solution to give a replace option on this folder Jsp1_0/default_app.
21 years ago
I would buy a voucher now, when I am sure that 1.2 qualifies. The voucher is valid for 1 year and that should give most people enough time to take the exam.
Kavitha Chandrasekaran
Sorry for late reply, out on vacation.
Cost would be $500.00 for 3 months.
22 years ago