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since Jul 25, 2002
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Recent posts by AltheaLS

I appreciate your quick responses!
However, it did not help me, because I did not understand what you meant. I'm just now going through the moreservlets text by Marty Hall, and am at chapter 3. I do not yet have any in-depth knowledge of servlets, or how to implement any of the things you suggested. Can someone please be a bit more specific, with a dummy code if possible? Thanks very much!
22 years ago
I am new to servlet technolygy. How can I launch an applet/application from a servlet? I saw the following code snippet
out.println(<"APPLET CODE=Foo.class CODEBASE=/applets WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=400"> ;
In the servlet class, will this be the only line of code there? What else would I need to do? If an application, where would I put the appletviewer statement?
Your help is appreciated!
22 years ago