Nitin Raodeo

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since Jul 27, 2002
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Recent posts by Nitin Raodeo

Ya there seems to be a bug.
I have two ImageButtons and when i click enter, it goes back instead of going next?
19 years ago
What are the pro and cons of storing the images in DB as compared to storing on File system of the server?
Consider a medium size internet application , with 500 concurrent users requesting for products with images.

Image sizes could vary from 10 KB to 200 KB.
I have some quetion in pdf generation using FOP

1) Is rendering TIF image in PDF, supported in FOP.
2) Does FOP support appending PDF files?

I have installed WSAD5.1.
While running the portal examples(job search, survey, C2A) that come with wsad5.1 the test server opens a web browser but fails to show the page.
No errors in the server logs.

While running the servlet/struts examples the test server opens a browser successfully.

Anybody faced this problem??
20 years ago
Do i get a certificate or any receipt for passing IBM 287?
If i pass only the IBM 287, is it of any value?
2) If this is possible is there any corresponding WSDL2Java kind of a thing in MS or C++ ?
This is because the client will not maintain the Java Beans? Instead the client can use WSDL2C++(kind of a thing) to generate the corrosponding Seriliazable objects from the WSDL.
Yes, MS has this option.
Balalji can you let me know more on this.(WSDL2C++ or utility like this).
Also can u let me know how the calling client will look like in any other technology other than Java.
My web service is up and running using a java client.
20 years ago
I have a major doubt regarding Web Service and the Toolkits in different platforms.
1) My Web Service Server implementation is in Java.
The arguments and the return type to the exposed services are JAVABEANS.
Server method exposed is :
public Purchase getPaymentInfo(Subcriber subcriber)
throws RemoteException ;
Can a Microsoft or C++ client call my web service?
Is Subcriber java bean object is JAVA understood by the client of C++ ??
2) If this is possible is there any corresponding WSDL2Java kind of a thing in MS or C++ ?
This is because the client will not maintain the Java Beans? Instead the client can use WSDL2C++(kind of a thing) to generate the corrosponding Seriliazable objects from the WSDL.
3) If this interoperability is not possible..can i say that the Web Services is interoperable only for for some basic data types and data structures(string, int, arrays) and that an Subcriber java bean object is JAVA is not understood by the client of C++ ??

20 years ago
I have my Web application on Tomcat server(without Apache).
The IP is mapped to some DSN.
In my JSP when i fetch the name of the server(request.serverName() )
it is displayed it as LocalHost and not the server name.
Does any configuration need to be done?
Thanks in Advance.
20 years ago
I have my Web application on Tomcat server(without Apache).
The IP is mapped to some DSN.
In my JSP when i fetch the name of the server(request.serverName() )
it is displayed it as LocalHost and not the server name.
Does any configuration need to be done?
Thanks in Advance.
20 years ago
I generated stubs from the wsdl and deployed on the tomcat.I am trying to
werite a simple java client program that resides on another jvm.Can anybody send me how to do this(sample client program).
20 years ago
I am using struts validator for some feilds on my jsp.
I have a action form in which there is a collection (array) as the member variable.
I want to make one of member variable of the array class as mandatory.
I get a null pointer excetion if the collection (array) is null.
I want to stop the validation when the data is null(when the screen is loaded for the first time)
Please help
21 years ago
I have a question regarding the use of html:select
in Struts. I have an array list in the session scope named volumediscountArray. Each row of the
array is an "volumediscount" bean object.
VolumeDiscount has volumediscountId as string
My ActionForm is Campaignform
CampignForm has a array of CampaignSlabs
CampaignSlab has id,name,fromdate as Strings.
Now i want the users selection to be set in the CmapignSlabs id .
i tried this but doesn't work ::
<html:select name="campaignSlabBean" property="Id" >
<html ptions collection="volumediscountArray"
The error is:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean under name campaignSlabBean
It works fine if i have to set the displayed attribute directly under CampaignForm but here for deep nesting how to do it?
21 years ago
What is difference between the logic and nested tags(Struts 1.1)
21 years ago
I am using togetherJ6.0.
While implementing value object Factory strategy pattern (j2ee pattern) it creates a new VOFactory every time i add a new entity bean to an existing model and try to apply this pattern.
Is there any way to use the same existing VOFACTORY (in the model) whenever we try to add the same pattern.
Awaiting ur response.
I am using togetherJ6.0
While implementing value object Factory strategy pattern (j2ee pattern) it creates a new VOFactory every time i add a new entity bean to an existing model and try to apply this pattern.
Is there any way to use the same existing VOFACTORY (in the model) whenever we try to add the same pattern.
Awaiting ur response.