TJ Hylton

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since Jul 27, 2002
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Recent posts by TJ Hylton

Why wont anyone help? I am in desparate need.
[ August 28, 2002: Message edited by: TJ Hylton ]
22 years ago
Hi Jiann-Luen,
I posted a question on how to print in java several days ago and no one answered me but since you seem to have a clue could you help?
my question is: How do I allow a user to print any thing(ie document or report)he or she chooses. I have searched the net and the only examples I have seen are programmer defined screens.
please help!
TJ Hylton
22 years ago
I have checked the sun tutorial and it is very confusing... I would love to be able to print up a report, a table or text from a text area.The tutorial shows printing a whole frame with some images on it.I need to know how to be specific about printing the previously mentioned areas.
Help please.
22 years ago
I have been programming in java for only three months so at the risk of sounding dumb I ask, what is macros and what do they do?
22 years ago
Hey Andres, there's a lot of source code for editors available on the net(you can check )you will have to edit the codes to fit your specifications...they would help get you started though .I developed an editor myself using swing from took awhile but it wasn't very hard. good luck!
[ August 08, 2002: Message edited by: TJ Hylton ]
22 years ago
lol. Micheal your safe. I'm not ready to be barefeet,pregnant and in the kitchen either.
You were a lot of help though. thanx
22 years ago
It worked Micheal! I LOVE YOU!
22 years ago
Micheal I think I see where you are going with the url thing...(I'm just not sure)
I used a JLabel to store the image... how do i use the url instead?
welcome=new JLabel(new ImageIcon("images/logo.jpg"));
22 years ago
Micheal what do you mean by "you need to make sure that the jar file is in your CLASSPATH". I'm confused.
Omar the images do not appear in the application once the jar file is relocated to another directory.
[ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: TJ Hylton ]
22 years ago
I really need help here... The following was typed
at the command line
jar cfm Bank.jar *.class images/*.*
a subsequent Bank.jar was created. It worked perfectly in the folder where it originated but outside that diretory the images do not appear.
the manifest file has
Main-class: Banking
when i type
jar tf Bank.jar
i get this...
what is the problem here?
22 years ago
Cindy how do i create a .bat/sh file? and how do i use the icon? details please.
22 years ago
I have seen questions and (limited)examples on various places on the web but I am yet to see an example that shows how to create a manifest file that includes a main class file and a number of others(including inner classes),gif or jpeg images
and or sounds. i would love to create an application that only requires double clicking an icon to start it. please give me a detailed example of creating jar files.
22 years ago