Anu Sri

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since Jul 29, 2002
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Hi Eric,
Thank you for your reply.

1) enter and clikc on Italian
2) Then you get all words in Italian and you can see in the addressbar|it&u=

3)Now again click on English or any other language, then you get an error.

But the same steps If we are in antoher language and clik another language then you get translated on that language in

I did not know how they did it. Please let me know how I can modify if I am in anther language and want to be back in English or any other.

Thank you
My domain name is On this you can find translating from english to all other languages.But one it is antoher language is giving error.|es&u= like that. But in same tool is working properly. I dont know how I can get like that, Please let me know

Thank you
Hi All
Please help me with following problem. I am having a problem with Images needs to be transfer from Explorer to the WebPane. I can able to copy file( mean .doc file and .txt and .html files). But i have to copy oly image file (*.jpg & *.gif) files only. I am just entering what I wrote for files here, Please let me know what I need to modify.

private class DropTargetHandler implements DropTargetListener {

public void drop ( DropTargetDropEvent event ){

Transferable transferable = event.getTransferable();

if( transferable.isDataFlavorSupported( DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor ) ){
// if ( (DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor).equals(DataFlavor.imageFlavor))(This I wrote for first image file) {

try {
java.util.List fileList = (java.util.List) transferable.
getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor )

//java.util.List fileList = (java.util.List) transferable.
getTransferData(DataFlavor.imageFlavor);(This is what I wrote for Imagefile by replacing the above)

Iterator iterator = fileList.iterator();

while (iterator.hasNext()) {

File file = (File);


After this I did catch exception like that.

PLease let me know what I need to change in the above code for getting ONLY IMAGES (*.gif & *.jpg) HAS TO BE DROPPED.

Thank you
20 years ago
Hi All,
I want to develop a site with JSP. I know Java, but I dont know how to proceed or start? what database is used? can we use secure pages? who will host? how much it will cost?
I really dont know much about JSP. How long it will take time to learn and develop? I developed a site with ASP.Net but it get so many hidden troubles. So I want to shift to JSP for another site. How possible in real environmet, is too hard?
Thank you
20 years ago
I need to download videos from this website. I dont know how?
Please let me know what is the possible way to do this?
Thank you
HI Eric,
Thanks for replying my query. What I need to change on browser settings? One more thing is I did not have a command on users browser then how I can solve this?
Thank you
When I am submitting the form with simple format, After clicking on the submit button it is giving
MIcrosoft Internet Explorer pop pup box and on it I will get this message
"This form is being submitted using email. Submitting this form will reveal your email address to the reciptent and will send the form data without encrypting it for privacy, you may continue or cancel this submission."
If I press "O.K" then OutLook Express message pop box came and
"A program is attempting to send on your behalf and
From: From posted from Microsoft Internet Explorer
Woudyou like to send this message?"
If I press Send it is sending to the email address which is sending to out look express email address not that what I wrote in the email address text box.

I really dont understand. I dont want to get this 2 pop up boxes. How I can get rid off them,
To know what I mean please follow this link
Thank you
I am getting problem which is really weired. I have a website on which user buy the things. But it doveloped in .asp pages. In my computer the pages user trying to get is coming up as it should be. But in users computer, the page coming up blank as they says. It is not only one user almost 10 users are getting same problem. I dont know where I am getting problem.
Please solve my problem as soon as you can,
Thank you
Hi Eric,
Thanks for replying my query. Actually I tested 1024x768 and 800x600 and 640x480 and it work fine in all. As a matter of fact I am working on the 640x480, so that works fine in higher resolutions. It is coming correctly and fine in Desktop pcs. But according Laptop it is really weired. I tried so many ways to solve with no success. I exactly dont know what the problem is. So I fedup with this problem and my manger suggest only solution is replace with all pages with header.
Where can I found the search replace method and How I implement to my site? Please provide the link so that it can solve my problem.
Hi All,
I have big website, that I already created with frames and now i am implementing Ecommerce to my site, It is almost finishing stage. Recently I found the header frame is not coming fully in the laptop. I really dont know what is the reason. My manager suggest me to remove header. It is really big problem because I need to redo all the pages. If I did not do that then, I miss users who are not able visible the header. What is the best solution? Is you guys suggest me to redo that again in normal (means without frames). I am in a confusion mood and little bit upset because of redoing the things again. What do you suggest me?
Hi All,
I want to give try for first exam Oracle 9i. I have no information where I need to go for giving exam?,how much I have to pay. think I have to spend One month Hard work on this. Is it sufficient? Is it really need self Starter Pre tests?
Please let me know.
21 years ago
Hi All,
When I am storing the value in SQl it is storing in the Date/Time formate. I have the value in the text box only DATE. So I need to retrieve from the database the textfield date value. But in SQL there is no only Date function to retrive. I need to know how I can I do that in SQL query only. I can do the storing variable with dateFormate function. But when it comes to large retrivals it takes large time. So I cant do that. I need only from SQL query so that it take less time.
Thank you
21 years ago
Hi All,
I got it with little effort, means using same function not two diffrent functions.
I need to add
text3=text1 +text2
text5= text3+text4
there is CALCULATE funtion which added
there is CALCULATE1 function which adds
The problem is when I am calling in Onchange="CALCULATE()" in text box for text3 it is working fine.
but I am calling onchange=CALCULATE1() in text3 text4 and text5 it is working first time. after I cahnge any of them in text1 which affect only text3 not text 5.
may be you get doubtn text3 is subtotal and text5 is total in page.
How I can solve. Please help me as soon as possible.
I am using my own search Button. It is resides in the Frontpage buildin. File->New->SearchPage. I get like that. It works fine with existing one. But it is old loaded files which are not exist in the present. I studied in the book it happens. But I dont know to solve this problem
Please let me know