While trying to tune the WLI ejbs, I came across the following documentation
on edocs.bea.com. It mentions to change the trans-timeout-seconds attribute
for the wlpi-ejb.jar file.
Configuring EJB Transactions
If your system returns an exception indicating that a transaction timed out
while a message was being processed, we recommend that you tune the
transaction timeout parameters in the following BPM resources:
a.. WLI-BPM Server (wlpi-ejb.jar)
b.. WLI-BPM Event Processor EJB (wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar)
Note: Transaction timeouts are more likely to occur when large messages,
rather than small messages, are being processed.
To tune the transaction timeout parameters, we recommend that you change the
trans-timeout-seconds attribute in the wlpi-ejb.jar and wlpi-mdb-ejb.jar
files from 90 seconds to 1090 seconds. To access the JAR files:
1.. In the Administration Console navigation tree, select
2.. Select WLI-BPM Server EJB or WLI-BPM Event Processor EJB.
3.. Click Edit EJB Descriptor to display a new window in which you can
edit the EJB descriptor.
But when I accessed the ejb descriptor using weblogic console, I could not
find the trans-timeout-seconds attribute in the ejb-jar.xml. Can anyone
please inform me where to find it ?