Rahul Juneja

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since Aug 03, 2002
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Recent posts by Rahul Juneja

Is it worth to go for PMP certification if you are a Java architect. Will it provide any benefits ?

What do you guys say ?

13 years ago

Mark Spritzler wrote:Not meant as an advertisment, but the Spring Android project has two classes specifically for fetching atom or RSS feeds.

Thanks for the tip Mark - But are there templates which i can use to create simple UI.
13 years ago
How can i create a Simple App which fetches the feed from my website and shows it on the phone. Are there any templates which i can use or something like that.
13 years ago
Suppose there is an application where a person is watching some text and images in portrait view and at the same time the application is loading at the bottom. Now if the user rotates his/her screen to landscape then how can i preserve the state as Android is saving the state and also how do i need to continue loading the app.
13 years ago
Welcome Marko

13 years ago

I was adding this method in my client code:

When i try to call the following method : it does retrieve "application/xml" What can be the possible reason for this or i am doing something wrong for setting the content type.

Any clues ?


miguel martin wrote:how many time are required, or estimated to complete the SCEA with 5 years of java programer experience?

My counter question on this will be first what did you do in last 5 years ? And then you will have to decide how many times do you need to go through the book and how much practice to do need for different parts of the exam ?


I did get a chance to look at the book in the book store around my place. It was a good resource to give you a kick start with basic coverage of all the topics but how about the detailed knowledge i know that experience is the best thing to have before appearing for the exam.

Experience sometimes doesn't covers all the topics we require to know for SCEA exam ? Are there any other books which should be used with this guide to prepare for the exam. I have seen many threads floating around in JavaRanch which give a list of resources we need to use to prepare but any companion guide which you suggest best to go with this guide.

Also do you have mock questions covered in the book as i don't remember if i did find them in the book.

I appeared for SCJP 1.2 in 2002 and i don't even remember the id or any prometric id. How can this be taken care as SCEA requires you to have any version of SCJP as a pre-qualification for the exam ?

I thought Tuesday is April-27-2010. No Offence.

Welcome Mark & Humphrey, I am more then eager to discuss about this topic.


Appreciate it.
I have already looked at this example, but i was wondering if there is something without the Blaze stuff as i am not very inclined on getting in Blaze.

14 years ago
Welcome folks and hope Adobe Flex survives after so much heat on it from Apple and its supporters like WSJ etc.

14 years ago
I recently started looking at the flex 4 and tried creating some simple apps and it seems to be good and easy to develop with less coding but what i was concerned was that so less coding might lead to less customization. Hope Adobe has given enough options for customization.

Also how can you integration spring hibernate with flex 4. Does somebody know of a good tutorial to do so.


14 years ago
I have been arguing this question with myself, Why does anybody need memcache for caching database results when you have hibernate caching or you can enable any other third party cache.

Let me put it this way. Is memcache different type of cache then EHCache or any other open source caches.

14 years ago