Thomas Mueller

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since Aug 03, 2002
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I think you should test the application using suns
Java2 Runtime Envirionment (jre) and not a jdk.
hey rahel
I did this:
... readRecord(){ ...
rv[i] = new String(buffer, offset, description[i].getLength(),ENCODING);
instead of this:
//rv[i] = new String(buffer, 0, offset, description[i].getLength());(
And for the method writeRecord I changed this:
//newData[i].getBytes(0, toCopy, buffer, offset);
to this:
byte [] encodedBuffer = null;
encodedBuffer = newData[i].getBytes(ENCODING);
for (int j = 0;j < encodedBuffer.length && j < toCopy ;j++)
buffer[j + offset] = encodedBuffer[j];
I tried to ceep the solution as close as possible to the original code.
It works, but I'm not shure if use the correct encoding.
private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";