Barry Gaunt

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Recent posts by Barry Gaunt

James, I am in the same situation as you. Sun Switzerland only sells the SCJD cert in a bundle (Assignment and Exam vouchers together). So if you take too long on the assignment the exam voucher expires, and mine has. So I guess we will just have to pay up for a new exam voucher when the time comes to have the assignment graded.
Hello "Al McG"-

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(NR) - search tag
Hello "Merlin"-

Welcome to JavaRanch.

On your way in you may have missed that we have a JavaRanch Naming Policy for displayed (screen) names. Your displayed name must consist of a first name (or an initial), a space, and a family name (in that order) and not be obviously fictitious. Since yours "Merlin", does not conform with it, please take a moment to change it, which you can do right here.

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(NR) - search tag

Originally posted by Nitesh Kant:

You can use FileLocks to ensure that only one thread reads a file(or part of it) at a time.


From the java.nio.channels.FileLock api:
"File locks are held on behalf of the entire Java virtual machine. They are not suitable for controlling access to a file by multiple threads within the same virtual machine."
I have edited your post because we do not allow such large amounts of code which can possibly tell how to read the datafile.

Now - what exactly to you expect? What is the result that you are getting that is confusing you?

//I have problem here I want to display this field size

Why don't you just print it out?
[ August 09, 2007: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]

Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:

It does if you want your assignments to be nitpicked. It cost nothing if you just want to do the assignments.

And, of course, the assignments and their solutions should not be discussed in these forums. That's because it spoils the fun for those who have paid to be whipped into shape in the Cattle Drive.
17 years ago
I suggest that you follow this:

Please read this entire page as it contains important information.

It tells you when you will get your voucher number.
Not URGENT!!! and closing duplicated question!
17 years ago


Why? Are you using this code for SCJP certification?

You have also duplicated this post in all three Java In General forums!
[ August 02, 2007: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Perhaps you should post the output of your program, rather than your code. Why are you skipping 8 bytes at the start of your file?

And please use tags around properly formatted code.
[ July 28, 2007: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Please do not repost simply because you did not get a reply in your other topic. Continue in your original topic.

Originally posted by Chandra Bhatt:
No this file is not available in my WINDOWS/system32 directory.


You should be very that it is not there. I have been battling with that file for a day or so. It's used to hijack IE and direct it to various sites in asia.

I just got rid of it with a tool called Prevx 2.0 trial version.
17 years ago
Do you have a file called jkklm.dll in your Windows\System32 directory?
17 years ago