Jerson Chua

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since Feb 08, 2000
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Recent posts by Jerson Chua

Does anyone have an idea when the new SCEA (J2EE 1.4) certification will come out?

I want to get certified but I don't want to study obsolete J2EE version.
[ January 08, 2005: Message edited by: Jerson Chua ]
I have several drop down list on my JSP page and their values are retrieved from the database every time the page is requested.
I find this to be inefficient. So I would like to know how do you guys implement the caching mechanism for these values? How do you find out if the value in the database has been changed?
22 years ago
- Those certified after Sept 1st will have their certifications valid
for 2 yrs only.
- Recertification thru a single exam only ($100)
- Original certificate still 'valid' in the sense that is shows that
you were certified at some point in time!
Details are at the Sun certification FAQ:
What should be the result of a.jsp?
In Tomcat, the output was
and In Resin, the output was
I thought that the output should be the one returned by Resin but why did Tomcat return such output?
---- a.jsp code ----
RequestDispatcher rd = application.getRequestDispatcher("/rd/b.jsp");
rd.include(request, response);
rd = application.getRequestDispatcher("/rd/c.jsp");
rd.include(request, response);
---- b.jsp code ----
---- c.jsp code ----

Please clarify this to me.
What should be the answer to this question? I think it should be D.
Will the container use the same instance or it will instantiate a new object for each type of listener?
You're definitely right.
Thank you very much.
Just curious Tony, have you passed the exam? if not, how long have you been preparing for the exam?
Thanks to both of you. It's now clear to me.
[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Jerson Chua ]
Can someone please clarify this?
I still think that the attribute value is valid. I know that there won't be an error in any application server.
Are object of page scope accessible to the included JSP page?
[ June 05, 2002: Message edited by: Jerson Chua ]
On page 41 of the JSP specification, it says that
the following line shows an illegal attribute values.
<mytags:tag value="<%= "hi!" %>" />
I tried the code and the output was
<mytags:tag value="hi!" />
I didn't get any translation or runtime error.
Why did the spec says that the line has an illegal attribute value?
[ May 31, 2002: Message edited by: Jerson Chua ]
Does anyone has idea when will the specifications for JSP and Servlet be final? because I'm planning to take the exam once both specification are already final. I'm a bit hesitant to take it now since the specs are still in pfd2 and I believe that some things may still change.
23 years ago
No that's not that highest score. Actually, one of my colleagues and some people in java-dev-test got 153/155

Originally posted by shailesh sonavadekar:
great score for scjd. You must be highest. Great. All the best for the future.
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