Harsha Vardhan

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since Aug 08, 2002
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Recent posts by Harsha Vardhan

HD camcorders are not new, they've been around for a while now. Not sure about your requirements, but any high end point and shoot camera has the movie mode as well along with HDMI outputs (HD that is). An example of this kind of the camera would be Canon Powershot G11.

Also if you can get a Eye-Wi PRO wireless card, life would be a lot more easier, then you could keep taking movies and pics and the SD card wirelessly sends all movies and images to your computer and a website of your choice. This means that you don't have to worry about the manual step of transferring images back to computer, housekeeping etc.,

I never hear my wifey yell "Did you upload the photos to computer or not?" anymore ))

15 years ago
how 'bout "Does people in the US ...."

Craigslist.com is good.

That being said exercise caution and check with your friends before you jump on a car of your dreams. If the price looks too good for the year/model, something is fishy AND venture out to check the car with someone always.

I would buy a used car from Carmax.

Good Luck!

15 years ago

John Smith wrote:Don't I look handsome?

15 years ago
Inside the mind of google .... the previous post reminded me..

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15 years ago

I think mention height along weight. That will make more sense

a.k.a BMI body mass index

btw i am 5' 11
15 years ago
The number of correct questions are specified in the SCWCD exam just like SCJP.
I have beenworking on JSP's since 1.5 years and java for 2.5+ years.
I would recommend More Servlets by marty hall.
Hello Friends.,
I passed the Webcomponent exam today after 2 weeks of heavy studying. What i would like to advise SCWCD wannabe 's is read , re-read the first 3 chapters of 'More Servlets' again and again. The second thing is the API's use your own method to read the API's the same way you did for Programmers and the notes available on the web for exam is very useful and finally do the mock exams Jweb+ and read the explanations when you take a test. Do not discard the test save it and go carefully where you made mistakes, You will be able to tackle the exam.
Thank you JAVARANCH ***** You are wonderful!!!
Thanks for a detailed explanantion Anthony...
really appreciate that
Is service method called for every request ???