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since Aug 09, 2002
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Recent posts by madip

I tries typing the url :http://localhost:8080/jmx-console after installing jboss-3.2.3 it asks me for a network username and password for realm xdb what should i do wht username pswd am i suppose to enter.How can i solve this problem.Please help this is real urgent
20 years ago
i am unable to start jboss from the browser when i give the following address:http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/index.jsp i only get some weird character on the screen.Can someone help please
20 years ago
Hi ,
Could some one please tell me how to use xdoclet.I have downloaded the zip file and extracted the contents for xdoclet .Also have downloaded ant but dont know wht to do next.Could some one please help.Thanx
I just gave my scjp last week and thats java platform 1.2 so i would like to know would my certificate be valued or would the platform 1.4 be valued from now on.
Hi guys,
I managed to passed the scjp but the score was real bad.I like to know how much does a score matter while applying for jobs or does ur scjp have a less value if u have low scores
21 years ago
i dont understand if u shift a no. for example 0x81>>2 when we represent 0x81 as binary why do we need to represent as
11111111 11111111 11111111 10000001
and not
00000000 00000000 00000000 10000001
is there negative marking in the scjp exams