Rahul, Thanks for ur reply. I have 128 MB RAM. But could u elaborate , as to which settings I should increase, as I have all set to AUTO in the DOS Window properties. Conventional AUTO Initial Environment AUTO Expanded(EMS) Memory AUTO Extended(XMS) Memory AUTO MSDOS protected Mode Memory AUTO Waiting for ur reply.... Aruna [This message has been edited by Aru Ven (edited May 08, 2001).]
Hello All, This is what I did. At the DOS prompt C:\j2sdkee1.2.1\bin> set J2EE_HOME=C:\J2SDKEE1.2.1 C:\j2sdkee1.2.1\bin> set JAVA_HOME=C:\JDK1.2.2 C:\j2sdkee1.2.1>bin >set path=c:\jdk1.2.2\bin;%path%; When I execute "set" at the prompt I get these values apart from others. J2EE_HOME=C:\J2SDKEE1.2.1 JAVA_HOME=C:\JDK1.2.2 PATH=C:\JDK12~1.2\BIN;C:\J2SDKE~1.1\BIN; Now I executed the following..... C:\j2sdkee1.2.1\bin>j2ee -verbose Out of environment space Out of environment space Out of environment space Bad command or file name
Kindly help me with this..... I am on Win 95 Thanks Again.... Aruna
Peter, Thx for ur repsonse.... I have set the class_path & the path But still I'm getting the same old message "ERROR: Set J2EE_HOME to the path of a valid j2sdkee." Please help..... And..Can I run on Win 95.....??? Also I am using Jdk1.2.2 Aruna
[This message has been edited by Aru Ven (edited May 08, 2001).]
Hello All, I am new into this....I just downloaded j2sdk1.2.1. I have set the following varibles in the userconfig.bat in the bin directory & executed it. set J2EE_CLASSPATH=C:\j2sdkee1.2.1\lib\j2ee.jar set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.2.2 And then when I try to run this in Dos C:\j2sdkee1.2.1\bin > j2ee -verbose It says... "ERROR: Set J2EE_HOME to the path of a valid j2sdkee." Kindly help to fix this...... Also...I am in win 95 platform. Aruna
Sean, Any simple servlet works fine. This servlet throws an exception at this line... Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc dbc:tstdb", "user1", "pswd"); Please help me .... Aruna
Kruger, I tried ur method.... Database Name : tstdb User : user1 Password : pswd
But When I run the servlet. A popup box comes up saying "Document Contained No Data... Please try later Or Contact Server Administrator" Let me know if I am coding it properly.... Thanks in advance Aruna
[This message has been edited by Aru Ven (edited January 05, 2001).]
Hey guys... Thanks for ur replies.... But still I'm stuck. I have Oracle 7.3. Please tell me what would be the connect String. & Should I create An ODBC DataSource for it .... Can anyone tell me from where can I download the "jdbc driver for oracle ", & where should I include the path... Aruna
[This message has been edited by Aru Ven (edited January 05, 2001).] [This message has been edited by Aru Ven (edited January 05, 2001).]
Yes I am running it from the browser. But As I said previously It gives a popup window "Unknown File Type" & the message which I have described earlier.
Ann, This was a part of the message displayed at the command prompt where the server was started with "httpd"
[code] javawebserver: at com.sun.server.HandlerThread.run(Compiled Code) javawebserver: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Unable to find class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver . [code I have imported java.sql.*; Aruna [This message has been edited by Aru Ven (edited January 03, 2001).]