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Recent posts by benb

Originally posted by william kane:

Can you elaborate on the above stephan as in how a non final variable if allowed will cause trouble in the case of anonymous class

Isn't it related with the fact that when the compiler instanciates the inner class, it implicitly passes a copy of that argument to the newly created instance. So, it would be nonsense to allow the inner class instance to change the value of its argument copy.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Nitin Anil:
My question is how to register this EJB home with the COS naming serice.
I mean for JNDI naming Service i simply have a tag where i give the JNDI name for my EJB in the descriptor file.
Is there a similar tag that weblogic gives to register my EJB with the COS naming service???

Actually, you just need to specify IIOP as the protocol to be used below RMI (instead of t3)when deploying your EJB. The IIOP stub of your Home will be registered in weblogic naming service using the JNDI name you are used to. Since Weblogic naming service is compliant with the COS naming service, a CORBA client may contact your home via Weblogic naming service.

Originally posted by Balaji Mathyam:
The first method(attribute as Required) is calling the second method(Not Supported).

Does your first method directly invoke the second one or does it invoke the second method on the EJBObject ?
If the exception you throw is an application exception (i.e. not a system exception), the behaviour you describe is normal. The container should not rollback a transaction because of an application exception.
If you want to force a rollback in your session, you must mark the transaction for rollback invoking setRollbackOnly on the session context.
how did you configure your connection pool ? (see your config.xml : maybe you set a size 0 for your connection pool)

Originally posted by Malli Subramanian Raman:
I am using weblogic Server and Oracle Database.
I want to access the Database and wants to use the Connection Pooling mechanism. I created one connection pool in the weblogic and also i created one datasource object.
Is it sufficient in the client side program to access the datasource Object to implement the connection pooling mechanism.
DataSource ds= (DataSource)ctx.lookup("DataSourceName");
In that the case what is the use of javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource Object.

The ConnectionPoolDataSource is an interface you don't use directly in your code if you are an application developper. Weblogic (or any standard connection pool implementation) will use it (internally) to implement its pooling mechanism.