Originally posted by william kane:
Can you elaborate on the above stephan as in how a non final variable if allowed will cause trouble in the case of anonymous class
Originally posted by Nitin Anil:
My question is how to register this EJB home with the COS naming serice.
I mean for JNDI naming Service i simply have a tag where i give the JNDI name for my EJB in the descriptor file.
Is there a similar tag that weblogic gives to register my EJB with the COS naming service???
Originally posted by Balaji Mathyam:
The first method(attribute as Required) is calling the second method(Not Supported).
Originally posted by Malli Subramanian Raman:
I am using weblogic Server and Oracle Database.
I want to access the Database and wants to use the Connection Pooling mechanism. I created one connection pool in the weblogic and also i created one datasource object.
Is it sufficient in the client side program to access the datasource Object to implement the connection pooling mechanism.
DataSource ds= (DataSource)ctx.lookup("DataSourceName");
In that the case what is the use of javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource Object.