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since Aug 13, 2002
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WE are using tomcat4.31.1 in which your main application is running on UNIX server.Now some of the thread based application we running separately using command line which is independent of tomcat server. Now i want to run that thread based application when the tomcat server starts i.e onload.

Please can anybody tell me how to make run different thread based application using tomcat server onload event.

Thanks in advance

19 years ago

I am reading an excel file using POI api I am getting Classcast exception for the below line..

HSSFWorkbook wb1 = new HSSFWorkbook();
POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(filename);

Below is the Excepiton I am getting ..Please let me know if anybody has comeacross this type of error and any solution to the same..

at java.util.TreeMap.put(
at org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ValueRecordsAggregate.insertCell(
at org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ValueRecordsAggregate.construct(
at org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Sheet.createSheet(
at org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook.<init>(
at org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook.<init>(

Thanks In Advance

19 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to download a excel file using jsp.
But I am able to get the content on the browser but i am not getting the save option pop-up wher user can save the file in a specified directory..

Below is snippet of my code


PLease let me know if anything needs to be added to get the save pop-up option..

Thanks In Adavance

19 years ago

I am using struts in my .jsp and form bean

In JSP Page
<html:form name="bulletinForm" type='form.BulletinForm' method="post" action="/" scope='session'>
<%-- action name is changed while submitting the form --%>
<html:hidden property="selectedBulletinId"/>

In FormBean

private String selectedBulletinId = null;
public String getSelectedBulletinId() {
return selectedBulletinId;

public void setSelectedBulletinId(String lselBulletinId) {
selectedBulletinId = lselBulletinId;

The same code if i run in tomcat it runs perfectly, But on weblogic and HPUX it is giving the below exception. Please let me know if anybody knows solution about this.

[ServletException in:/pages/body/bulletins.jsp] No getter method for property selectedBulletinId of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN'

Thanks In Advance

[ February 16, 2005: Message edited by: chetandurg ]
19 years ago

I am using the below struts tag in Application, As you can see i am using script function showMsgPop in which i am using bean:write tag.But this tag is not able to display the message.

Please let me know where i am doing wrong?..

>jsp Page
The form tag
<html:form name="submitOpex" action="" type= "c4.form.UploadOpexForm" method= "post" scope="session" >

<logic:messagesPresent message="true">
<html:messages id="submitCosmessage" message="true">
showMsgPop("OPEX Submission Result", "<bean:write name='submitCosmessage' />");
</logic:messagesPresent >

scope="session" >
<!-- input="subOpex"> -->
<forward contextRelative="true" name ="subOpexPage" path="subOpex" />


Chetan Durg
20 years ago
Thanks Marc/Junilu,

Below is my Welocme.jsp,taglibs.jsp,struts-config.xml and tiles.xml.
The same pages works perfectly with tomcat server but i am unable to deploy on weblogic8.2.

<%@ include file="pages/common/taglibs.jsp" %>

<logic:forward name="c4news"/>

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic"%>


<!-- Welcome.jsp forwarded to this path -->
<forward name="c4news" path="/" redirect="false" />
<forward name="welcome" path="/" redirect="false" />

<definition name="c4news" path="/pages/layout/c4OnlyBodyTemplate.jsp">
<put name="title" value="C4 News" />
<put name="body-content" value="/pages/body/News.jsp" />

SO please let me know if any changes needs to be done.
Thanks In advance...

[ January 11, 2005: Message edited by: chetandurg ]
20 years ago

I am trying strut application to deploy on weblogic8.2.I am using jakarta-struts-1.2.4 (struts.jar).
I am using <logic:forward name="c4news"/> in my weocme.jsp in which i am trying to forward to c4news page.But I am getting the below error i dont know why?..I have already added servlet.jar,weblogic.jar and struts.jar in classpath.

D:\bea\user_projects\domains\c4manager\.\myserver\.wlnotdelete\extract\myserver_c4manager_c4manager\jsp_servlet\ cannot resolve symbol
probably occurred due to an error in /Welcome.jsp line 3:
<logic:forward name="c4news"/>

Full compiler error(s):
D:\bea\user_projects\domains\c4manager\.\myserver\.wlnotdelete\extract\myserver_c4manager_c4manager\jsp_servlet\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED
location: interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag
if (_int0 == BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED) { //[ /Welcome.jsp; Line: 3]

Please let me know what may be the problem?..

Thanks In Advance...

20 years ago
Can anybody tell how to run simple JSP files .
If i want to create my own directory where i have to create and what are the
steps to run jsp files.
21 years ago
Can anybody give me the URL from where i can download the jboss app server which supports the deployment of EJB1.1.
I tried with where it is redirecting to
I am not able to download the jboss properly.
It will be great help for me if some body let me know the proper url and version to be used.
Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
I think if u r using some type of EJB then ur Jar file is useful,If ur Jar file conatins EJB then u need to change ur application.xml file in META-INF and then deploy it through console.
21 years ago
I think weblogic is having all the features which are necessary to run an application like deployment process is very simple,ConnectionPooling,Transactions,JavaMail and JMS even u can integrate with third party vendors application and maily u can see the performance of ur application while running like connection lekage ..many more things are there when u start working on weblogic7.1 or 8.1.
21 years ago
I think ur problem is while installing weblogic7.0 u need to enter username and password which u need to remember when u start the server or else u can edit the same in startmanagededit file.
21 years ago
Hi ,
I think below are the some of the topics u need to cover before u attend any J2EE interviews.
1)servlet and its life cycle
2)different types of HTTP methods
3)What is the difference between forward and include methods
4)JSP and its life cycle
5)JSP implicits objects
7)Ejb and its types
8)Life cycle of all the types of EJB
9)Transaction and its attributes
10)Details of CMP and BMP
11)About JMS
12)About J2ME
13)about UML and OOAD
14)J2EE standard architectures
15)Design patterns(J2EE design patterns)
These are the basic things u should know before attending any J2EE related interviews.
Also regarding Application Server.
21 years ago
If u r using weblogic6.1 and want to run jsp and servlets,first u need to create a directory structure like com.urcompanyname.project_name.controller
inside the WEB-INF/Classes/com/Company_name/Proj_name/controller
put ur jsp file into ur root directory and servlet class file in classes directory with pacakge name.Also u need to change the web.xml file which is inside the WEB-INF folder.
I think this should work.
21 years ago
hi Friends,
I wanted to know the maximum number of multiple(concurrent) clients does weblogic6.1 supports?.
Please reply.
[ August 17, 2002: Message edited by: chetandurg ]
22 years ago