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since Aug 13, 2002
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Recent posts by Jai007

If the purpose of synchronization is to provide controlled serialised access by different threads(correct me if I am wrong)then what is the logic of the following restriction:
Variables and classes cannot be synchronized. Any code block within a method can be synchronized by enclosing it in {}.
Can somebody help me understanding the following outcome!!
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer("One");
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer("Two");
System.out.println("a is "+ a +"\nb is " + b);
static void swap (StringBuffer a, StringBuffer b) {
a.append(" more");
What will be the output?
d. a is One more
b is Two
what does (i==1 &| j==2) means!!
Difference between keywords or reserved words in Java?
Help me understand the following logic:
TextField t = new TextArea("12345", 5, 5);
why following statement is false?
C. The maximum number of characters in a line will be five.
In view of Answers to 108 & 23 how can answer to 3 can be still true:
Answer to Question 108
char c='1';
The fact that option 1 will compile may be a surprise, but although the char type is normally used to store character types, it is actually an unsigned integer type. The reason option 3 does not compile is that Java has a >>> operator but not a <<< operator.
Will NOT compile.
Answer to uestion 23)
Only a String acts as if the + operator were overloaded
Answer to Question 3)
2) int i=2+'2';
3) String s="on"+'one';
Option 3 is not valid because single quotes are used to indicate a character constant and not a string. Several people have emailed me to say that option 3 will compile. When they eventually compiled the exact code they have agreed, it will not compile.