Raees Uzhunnan

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since Aug 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Raees Uzhunnan

Don't know if you have covered this in the book , but is it possible to configure durable pub sub channel in spring integration 2.0?
12 years ago
Welcome and seams to be an interesting read
16 years ago
Why don't you use a distributed cache with write-behind technic. Fist level updates can be made directly into the cache itself. and the write behind technic to update to the database. this way sice you are wriing into the cache you should have a good latency.

Products like Tangosol and Gigaspaces will let you distribute geographically

16 years ago

JConsole is very primitive !! and unfortunately can't take printouts and stuff for record!.

Yeah I can try out these tools by myself. But my question is has anyone tried the tools for their evaluation. I do not want to invent the wheel again.

16 years ago
Has anybody evaluated the java profiling tools out there ? like
Yourkit for java
JProbe etc.

I want to know which one is best and what was your conclusion
We want to buy some Licenses.

16 years ago

Thanks a lot. See I googled it too; but did not got to the right URL. It is clear that googling is an art too

Executing 2 XSLTs in one transform

We have an old piece of code that executes �one� transformation using given XSLT file that management do not want to change.

We have a new client to this code that needs the namespace qualifiers to be stripped from the transformed message. We were thinking of using another XSLT to strip off the qualifiers. But can we feed both these XSLTs to the engine some how without changing the core code ? or is there a way to switch off the namespaces being printed to the transformed message that can be instructed through some properties or through the XSLT itself ?

Awesome books but 400 questions is too less compared to the vastness of java
I can ask 400 questions just from core java itself
16 years ago
download and use a java profiler to find the memory leak. there are many profilers available for download

YourKit www.yourkit.com
Jprofiler www.ej-technologies.com
BEA mission control www.bea.com

all of these products give adequate evaluation license.

17 years ago
A queue send/receive model enables better parallelism; so you are in the right track. to scale the processing; simply increase the instances of the queue receiver. have 10-12 threads/ JVM and have 1-3 JVM.

In your case is you need to process 20,000 messages / hour i.e.
Per second processing 20,000/3600 = 6
suppose your processing per transaction takes 1 second; all you need is 6 threads and one JMV. But in reality based on complexity of your message you should be taking less than one sec.
17 years ago
I don't know what JMS server you are using .. some time these serves have something called selectors. In a selector configuration if the selector on the topic does not match with the eslected property in the message .. the message gets thrown way ?.. do you have something like that
Not an issue ; you can call as many execute as possible on a statement before closing it. But make sure you are not creating as many statements for the same query

If you want to do 2 different things in one unit of work ; you will need to use XA. In your case it may be invoking a webservice and updating a database.

If all your operations in a unit of work is going to a single database ; you do not need a XA driver
Do you think you have the right annotations ?? Can you paste the class here ?

17 years ago
In a publish subscribe mechanism if the subscriber is not alive the messages gets thrown away. This is true even if you set to delivery mode PERSISTENT. The delivery mode persistent just means that in the event of a server crash the messages can be recovered and delivered to the subscribers connecting back.

I hope time to live parameter is to how long the server to keep a message if a subscriber is not alive before throwing it away
