Hector Beaujean wrote:In the book p9, the review question 6 says :
"A. An instance variable of type float defaults to 0.".
The answer to the review questions p911 says :
"A. is incorrect because float should have a decimal point.".
But :
, delault value is mathematical 0 (litetal to say that for float is 0f or 0F) and
I think quesion and/or answer have to be rephrase.
Do you agree ?
Should I propose an erratum ?
Hector Beaujean wrote:The question say "is eligible after line..." not "become eligible after line...".
In the real exam, I have to say "no, the object is not eligible for CG at this point" even if it is ?
If so, it's awkward for me...
Hector Beaujean wrote:Regarding question 9, default value for primitive numerics is 0 (mathematical 0).
Will the exam ask to reply "0", "0.0", "0f", "0F" or "\u000", not simply "0" ? 0 will be wrong for everything but "int" ?
Hector Beaujean wrote:For example : Chapter 1, review questions page 55, question 5.
If an object is eligible for GC after line 13 (answer A), why saying it is also eligible for GC after line 14 is wrong (answer B) ?
Would the real exam say "...object become eligible for the first time after line..." ?
Manuel Trumm wrote:Chapter 6, Review question 14 D looks correct to me, although the answer says wrong. Anyone?
Manuel Trumm wrote:Chapter 1, Review Question 5, Option B:
The answer is marked as false. However, if the object created on line 9 is eligible for GC after line 13, isn't it then also eligible for GC after line 14? Or does the System.gc() is interpreted as: the object might have been GCed and therefore might not in all cases be eligible i.e. it might not exist?
Cristian Uceda Garrido wrote:
Chapter 6, Q.34:
Cristian Uceda Garrido wrote:
[...]By the way, should not it be parallel() instead of parallelStream()?[...]