Asuthosh Borikar

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since Sep 29, 2000
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Recent posts by Asuthosh Borikar

I have a couple of questions about hotspot.
1) I am forced to use JDK1.2.2. I understand that hotspot is the default VM for JDK1.3, but how can I get hotspot for the java version I am using(if one is available at all).
2) I understand the -server and the -client options for java, but what does the option -hotspot itself mean? And if it invokes the HotSpot JVM, will it be running in Server mode or Client mode?
I am using JDK1.2.2 on Solaris. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
22 years ago
I need to write some code to copy all the contents(including sub directories and files) of one directory to another directory.
I've tried using File.renameTo(), but, this method 'moves' the contents rather than copying them. Can some one please point me to a good algorithm of iterating thru the contents of a directory, and copying them to another? Thanks a lot.
23 years ago
Our product consists of JSPs, Servlets and some native C++ code. Can some one please explain what 'packaging' means, when I want to create a tarball of this product? I would really appreciate some pointers to this. I've looked at some Unix books, but couldn't find relevant material. Thanks for all the help.
23 years ago
Hi Mike,
thanks for the reply and the valuable guidelines. Weblogic has a similar architecture for deploying web applications (web.xml, and weblogic.xml). WebSphere is turning out to be a problem.
You are absolutely right about being pro-active and making the customers happy. That's exactly what we are trying to achieve. Thanks once again.
23 years ago
I am not sure if this is the right forum for this question...but, here's the question. Our product comprises JSPs and Servlets. We want to build a standard web.xml file for our web application, so that the same XML document can be used across ALL the major Application Servers/Servlet Engines such as Weblogic, WebSphere, Tomcat etc for deploying our web application. My instinct tells me that if we build the XML file based on J2EE specifications for web applications, this should be possible. Am I right? Secondly, where can I find such an example XML file that adheres to the J2EE specifications? I searched in Sun's site, but couldn't get to it. Any/all the help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
23 years ago
Yes, that seems to be only way out. I could successfully restart the web application from the command prompt, using WSCP and Thanks for your help once again.
23 years ago
Have you tried setting the system property java.library.path, to point to the directory of the dll? I am no expert on this, but it worked for me, on WebSphere/AIX.
23 years ago
Well, that's a long story Kyle. Suffice it to say that some database changes are made outside of the application's scope, and for the servlet to recogize those changes, one of the possible options is to be able to stop and restart the servlet. I've checked this again, and I think WSCP IS stopping and restarting the servlet. (I did a 'Servlet show'). I think what's needed in my case is to 'reload' the servlet and a simple 'restart' does not seem to serve the purpose. Thanks a lot for your help.
23 years ago
I am trying to do this, from wscp's command prompt. When I do a 'Servlet operations' at the command prompt, it shows me 'start' and 'stop' as available options. But, when I actually issue the command 'Servlet stop <name>' there seems to be no effect on the servlet. Is there any way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
23 years ago
I am using WAS 3.5.3. We have some JNI shared libraries which need to be loaded when the App.Server instance is started. I can modify the script to include the directory which contains these libraries, but my client does not allow this. We've explored the option of creating symlinks in the websphere/lib directory, but this is also not allowed. Can someone suggest a viable alternative? We've tried using the command-line arguments to append to the java.library.path property, but haven't been successful so far. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
23 years ago
Hi anil,
I've tried getting an initial context, without setting the parameter 'PROVIDER_URL' and it works. Although I have no clue as to why that would screw things up, I think it's worth a try. Let us know if it works. Thanks.
23 years ago
I havne't done it this way. But, what you could probably try is to export the configuration of the first machine into an XML file, and import that XML file into the second machine, with some minor changes to machine specific data. We have three Websphere boxes all running the same application. We have one template XML file that we change, depending on what box we are working on, and import the resultant XML file to the specific box. (You can use to import and export the configuration from/into an XML file). I am sure WebSphere on Windows has its equivalent of
23 years ago
Not Really. May be my view is a bit skewed, since we haven't developed and deployed EJBs in Websphere. But, Servlets and JSPs and other components of a Web Application posed no problem when developed outside of VAJ and deployed in WebSphere. It wasn't really difficult either. May be using VAJ makes it a lot easier than the normal routine but I wouldn't prefer it for the simple reason that you would be out of touch with the intricacies of this routine.
23 years ago
Is this possible? If yes, how? All I have is the source code of the java class, in one big string. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
23 years ago
I've previously worked with Weblogic(EJBs and all), and now I am working with WebSphere. Haven't deployed EJBs on Websphere. But, as far as configuration issues are concerned, Weblogic is way ahead of WebSphere. WebSphere uses its excruciatingly slow GUI(yes, Java based) and our team has agreed that this tool itself was enough to bring down our cumulative productivity. There are other ways of configuring WebSphere, but they are not for the novices nor the usual developers. So, ease of administration, Weblogic gains full marks.
We've faced a multitude of problems with JSP cacheing in websphere. It took us a while to figure out that unless we delete all the cache that websphere maintains, and restart the app.server instance(which in itself can take several minutes), this problem can not be solved. Right now, I don't know much about performance and other issues, but my vote goes to weblogic, beyond any hesitation.
23 years ago