Frits Walraven wrote:I am sorry to hear that, what were the topics you failed on?
What were your scores on the Enthuware mocks?
Hi i scored with 41 % out of 73%
Here the topics where i failed.
Associate multiple business interceptor methods with an
enterprise bean
Choose the correct session bean type given a business
Configure JNDI environment properties
Create a singleton session bean
Create a synchronous message consumer
Create an interceptor class
Create session beans Package and deploy session beans
Describe the life cycle of a singleton session bean
Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven
Describe the roles of the participants in the JMS API
messaging system
Evaluate the EJB Lite Container
Examine session beans
Have fine-grained control over packaging and deployment
Implement CMT
Implement session bean life cycle methods
Process a timer notification callback Manage timer objects
Review JMS technology
Understand the Java EE security architecture
Understand the relationship between the EJB container
and an EJB component
Understand the short-comings of using session beans as
messaging consumers
Use a session bean to perform asynchronous
Use declarative authorization
I read a lot of books , my plan is to take following Begining EJB3 Java EE7 book, Enthuware i taked not so serious, maybe i should do it better next time.
My plan to read following book Begining EJB3 Java EE7, aside all of this activity i have my freelance projects, so probably i would take even more for final prep.
My impression of the oracle test, its gravitates more to xml deployment stuf.