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We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Andrew Perepelytsya

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Recent posts by Andrew Perepelytsya

Tina, this IS a professional exam. The difference here is there are 3 times more questions (183) and some of them might not make there way into the final exam. You are there to try them out. There are no hints, nothing, everything is just like a formal exam. Why go for it all? Well, at the end of the day, when you pass the test, you get the very same certificate as your followers would have gotten, no beta marks, nothing. Yes, and it's free
It is the responsibility of a developer to cache/pool EJBHomes. Pooling remote references is not always feasible, unlike homes (consider entities and SFSBs). The container may pool the concrete implementations of your interfaces, but those are considered internal plumbing and shouldn't be of concern for you as a developer.
If you are still interested in the subject, I recommend you look into the ServiceLocator pattern. You might want to take a look at Sun's blueprints - Petstore and Adventure Builder applications, which use these technics. This strategy is mostly considered to be applicable to clients of EJB application, but there are options to use it in the EJB server as well, though it involves some tricks on your side.
Generally, this topic is outta scope of SCBCD exam, but you might want to study it later on your own if you want to be an effective (and well-paid ) EJB developer.
The exam itself had plenty of scenario questions (about 25%), and it didn't have some topics which came up in many mocks and official study guides. That was my strangely shuffled set of questions... Some of the questions were very ambiguous because of EJB 1.1 vs 2.0 dilemma. 2 weeks ago I did SCBCD, so this added its portion of uncertainty to the final mix
All in all this was a nice experience, and knowing you passed it is an outstanding feeling
21 years ago
This method will be used to set the id in ejbCreate() method. You don't have to expose it in the interface. Again, it's only a 'by-contract' rule, so technically nothing will stop you if you decide for some weird reason to do it.
Examples: questions posted by Bert and Kathy on this forum (see the very beginning) were actually taken from exam and I can tell you there wasn't much difference, perhaps wording only.
Congratulations on your taking the exam. Still, if you missed some points for exam, you will gain them in your everyday job, be sure
Seid, if you match numbers with letters you will get a statement which is true, e.g.:
(4) local home (c) methods must NOT throw java.rmi.RemoteException
the same for the rest. You can use each item only once. Other combinations do not claim a TRUE statement.
On exam you will not be confused by such problems as you will 'consume' an item once put in a slot, hence you will not be able to put it in multiple places if the question suggests the opposite.
Except this:

(case doesn't really matter, except for TRUE and FALSE tokens and abstract schema name).
Just remember a rule of thumb:
If you are dealing with multiple return values, you have to use OBJECT(variable) construction in the SELECT clause.
[ June 08, 2003: Message edited by: Andrew Perepelytsya ]
I consider this to be the very meat of EJB-QL. If you understand stuff like that you'll have no trouble Keep it up!
This means the container will not necessarily create a new instance of a SLSB. For client it's still the same and it doesn't know the difference. But the container may just take an instance from a pool of beans. The same is with remove. The container doesn't necessarily remove the instance, but puts it in the pool. Everything is still transparent for the client.
An easy view over this subject is that:
By calling create() on SLSB home and remove() you only ask the container to do something. It's like a marking operation. As long as the interface for the client is the same, it's up to the container to introduce such optimisations. But you cannot rely on physical removal or creation of the beans. Say, you cannot empty the SLSB bean pool by issuing remove() on all SLSBs.
Hope this clears the matter
The point is you will not have to change a single line of your code. What will be required from you is just change XML descriptors. You said, you might use EJBs in the future. Keep it simple. When you actually use EJBs we will be more than glad to help you. Otherwise it's like shooting the birds from BGF9000
21 years ago
Will try to digest the info posted before.
No, you don't get the immediate score. The only thing you get is 'thanks, you'll know the result in 6-8 weeks time when the beta process is over'. And a nice feeling you finished with it as well
The cert team studies the tests, reads the comments, decides which questions should be dropped at all and not counted, which should be modified/corrected, and which should be just counted. Depending on the performance of the first 400 candidates a pass score will be set and everybody will be assessed. This, however, doesn't mean you have better chances if many people do not perform at a credible level. Of those 400 there will be those who will fail.
This beta gives a better insight on the exam for SunEd, and somewhere at the end August - start September they come up with a final version. The beta candidates who passed will have received the certificate by this time.
Now some queries of mine (don't take them too serious)
1. Is the cert going to carry the 'Beta' mark on it?
2. The validity of the cert. Is it 2 years as for the rest? Well, the logic is we had 3 times more questions, so the validity period should be 3 times longer
Jack, I think we are not able to choose the computers. The test seems to be running on some above-Win95-os, but the interface looks like good old Win3.1. That is one point.
Another, more important one is when you arrive at the centre, they will prepare everything in advance. That was the case for all my exams with Prometric - they just knew the times from the morning download and fired up the pre-loaded tests at once.
Ironically enough, today I didn't take the originally designated machine. The secretary just told me the original computer was for some reason re-scheduled and they moved me to another one. So, when you see the 'wrong test computer' message, just ignore it and continue. But this everything was handled even before I arrived at the centre. So, we came in, checked the Prometric ID and off we go...
I don't see any way to choose the computer. Only if you call in advance and explain the problem faced, but I guess Evelyn is working right on this issue.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion
I'm sorry you had those problems, really frustrating.
As for the score, I cannot say the score before beta is over, but I can say I stopped to sit and think only for 5-6 questions. Others were straightliners and I actually spent more time thinking over the comments (typing is not a problem for me).
I'm pretty sure I passed. But no time to celebrate. Have to move on. Am I becoming a cert addict?