Vitaliy Shevchuk

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since Aug 21, 2002
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Recent posts by Vitaliy Shevchuk


Try using DOM, instead of .innerHTML = ... to update your table

Taconite home page ( ) contains an intresting description of the innerHTML problem.

Don't forget to let un know if it works ;)

Originally posted by Amin Rais:
The price for Certifications in EUROPE
is higher than in US,
in EUROPE it costs about 170 EUR ++
(around 172 US)
and in US is about 150 US only..
People in Europe is not as rich
as in US.. but why the cost is higher ?

Probably, because at the time the prices were agreed the Euro was equal to 0.85 $. The time passes, Euro grows.. Why charge less if they can charge more
Anyway, for the Part 2 you can pay directly to SUN in US (250$, no VAT!). Just call them and make sure you have your CreditCard with you.
I'm not sure if it works for part3.

Originally posted by sh yh:
So, I guess the performance for static and non-static methods depends on how the JVM is implemented. However, it does not matter whether the method is "public" or "private".

Yes, looks like the results we got depend on ByteCode->Native compilation and run-time optimization of JVM. As we can see, SUN make progres in this field.
However, static method invocation is translated into a single ByteCode command: "invokestsatic", but non-static method invocation is translated into 2 commands: "aload" and "invokevirtual". First JVM pushes object reference to stack, then it invokes a method on the object. For private methods JVM still uses 2 commands: "aload" and "invokespecial".
The results shown by jvm1.4 are amazing. I see no reasons to use static methods instead of singelton any more. Well done, SUN .

Originally posted by shyh:
I did a simple test investigating the performance of calling static/nonstatic, public/private methods with a loop of 1,000,000 times, and the results are the same.
So, I don't get your points.
Do you mean by "calling multiple times of a nonstatic method of one single instance", or "calling the nonstatic method of multiple new instances"?

I'm sure you mised something in your Investigation
try this:
public class C{
static int i;
private static void a(){
public void b(){
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
C c = new C();
long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i=0;i<100000;i++){
for (int j=0;j<10000;j++){
System.out.println( System.currentTimeMillis() - l);
l = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i=0;i<100000;i++)
for (int j=0;j<10000;j++){
System.out.println( System.currentTimeMillis() - l);
I got the following:
Good luck.

>Come on, the bottleneck is going to be database access, network calls, monolithic servlets, fine-grained entity beans, or some other far reaching problem. If you are creating a large-scale J2EE application then Singletons are going to be your last worry as far as performance goes.

Well, in every solutions there are advantages and disadvantages. You are rignt, but the issue of performance is much more important then you think. Imagine, you have a code like this:
for (... i<100000)
for (... j<10000)
In this case Singelton is too slow. Non-private method invocation (without parameters) is almost 2 times slower then static and/or private.
Again, everybody knows the advantages, but nobody takes care of disadvantages.

Originally posted by Rufus Bugleweed:
A Singleton can allow access to many instances, a pooling scheme.

Also, static methods invocation is MUCH faster. (Sometimes you need performance, as well) But I recoment to forget this point untill you complete your architect certification, as static methods will not be appresiated here

Originally posted by Alex Pisarev:

What's so nice in it? It looks like a schoolboy's compilation of most basic "surface-level" articles. Not enough information to become a real-life architect, of course.

Exactly! The book is good to prepare for the exam. To become an Architect you need more. I completely agree with you. Books like that allows anybody to pass exam, without becoming the real Architect. BUT it is still a great book to prepare for the exam.
>Are you buying the vouchers one-by-one, or
>together in a packet for all three exams?
One-by-one. I bought the first one in France, the second in US by phone.
>Swiss SunEd want total cash up-front for all
>three vouchers!
Unbeleivable! And what if you someone fail the first part? The money will be lost? What if someone chande his mind?
If I were you, I'd contact SUN Education in US and ask them to explain it.
>Vouchers are not valid internationally. You will
>need to purchase a voucher in
>the country that you wish to test in.
I phoned to US Sun Education and bought a voucher for the SCEA Part2 without any problems. Probably, because for part 2 your location is not important. Just download and upload you assignment from wherever you want.
>How much architecting experience do you have?
Not much - a couple of projects.
>What did you use for preparation materials?
I bought a book at "Sun Cerified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Exam". Nice book. I recomend it.
>I see you posted your results in that other
>forum. We don't like that. It makes it too h
>hard to search for discussions like I hope we're
>going to have.
The main idea of this posting was the price difference in Europe and US.(I still hate SUN for that). However, on the other forum I anonced my result. Anyway, sorry for inconviniences
Best wishes,
If you are in Europe, it's cheaper to buy the vouchers directly from US.
For example, SCEA part II would cost 334 Euro (=330$) instead of 250 $. It is a shame.
Anyway, there is a solution.
Good luck
Vitaliy Shevchuk
PS. Just passed SCEA Part I- 95%.
missed 2 questions in 'commmon architecture'. pity
Good luck,
Vitaliy Shevchuk
22 years ago