Rahul Rathore

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 30, 2000
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Recent posts by Rahul Rathore

What's funny about that ? I did that too. I found on rechecking, that I had marked most of questions wrong on the first attempt ! Talk about careless ! I advice others to do that also.
23 years ago
You're good. You need to work on your spelling though.
[This message has been edited by Rahul Rathore (edited June 30, 2001).]
23 years ago
Since one can have multiple registered identities with just slightly more effort, do we really gain any advantage by barring unregds ?
23 years ago
Happy Birthday Angela
23 years ago

Originally posted by Ling Wu:
What is the question?

THAT is the question.
23 years ago
Stevie, where are you, you coward.
Don't think you can get away by talking Bull about the Cow in my face ...
23 years ago
Improving on Andy's idea. You might get his mom a love interest. Let her lover buy her the ticket to the tropical island. That way you would save the ticket money too.
23 years ago
For some reason, I suspect that nobody is really answering Stevie's question
23 years ago
I also prefer the sober environment of a moderated discussion. Deleting Conrad's thread was definitely a "justifiable" decision, maybe even a "wise" decision. Selective editing I thought would have been a "wiser" decision.
I found it quite nice to read that deleted F*** thread. As I recall Conrad's swearing was met with polite posts and even some sweet humour. In fact, I thought any kid reading that thread (after editing out swear words) would really learn how to handle most provocative situations with good humour and sobriety.
I fully concur that all objectionable posts/threads should be deleted or edited. However there will always be difference of opinion as to what is objectionable. There again, the view of those who manage this place must prevail. It is certainly impossible to lay down mathematically precise rules to control the exercise of the power to delete/edit. What is important and commendable is that they are not abusing this power.
23 years ago
Andy I too found Conrad's deleted thread quite funny. I think it ought not to have been deleted as a whole. At the most the swear words could have been edited out (or replaced with some Cap Haddock's swear words like nincompoops ).
However the owners and the managers are fully entitled to their decision, because it is a PRIVATELY OWNED SITE open to the public, FREE OF CHARGE.
And while we may differ about the wisdom of this decision, we cannot term it as arbitrary or unwarranted. There were rational reasons justifying the decision.
What about when we go to some exclusive restaurant. We abide by their dress code, enter at their descretion, and cough up our last year's savings quite happily, just to impress the girlfriend.
However we can choose not to go to that restaurant at all. There are so many other places to choose from.
Not that I am comparing JRanch to a snooty exclusive restaurant. This here is a much more friendly and liberal place. (Though now I feel frightened by Angela's threats ).
So ultimately it boils down to this: "If I don't like meat, I won't eat at McDonald's" .
23 years ago

Originally posted by Dave Vick:
I fixed my post so that your post is no longer referenced.

Damn. That was a dirty trick. Just when I was starting to enjoy it. Now I have to delete all my posts too.
23 years ago
Sahir, don't make wild allegations against TINTIN. By the same token these posts can be attributed to any of us.
Nate, why don't you delete the objectionable posts. You found Tit Bit's post objectionable, yet did not delete it.
I think it is better to ignore the poster and delete the post. To make remarks against the poster is too give him too much importance and to encourage him to provoke and irritate you further.
23 years ago
(Serious post )
Since I recently said that I am leaving off, and will post only under psuedonyms, I am worried that the above posts may be attributed to me. I now realize that pseudonym posting, is a double-edged sword.
I just want to clarify that I have NOT made the Tit Bit posts. (Although my posts are equally juvenile ). In fact I don't intend to make any more posts in the meaningless forum whether under my own name or pseudonym. If I do make any posts, they will be in the serious forums.
This post is just to clarify. I think IPs of the Tit Bit posts will be different from my IP. Whatever it is, I can never prove my innocence .
23 years ago
I just puked on re-reading my last post. Anybody else wishing to puke is invited to do so here http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum32/HTML/000716.html.
I want to leave this thread clean for poor Stevie.
23 years ago