Andy I too found Conrad's deleted thread quite funny. I think it ought not to have been deleted as a whole. At the most the swear words could have been edited out (or replaced with some Cap Haddock's swear words like nincompoops

However the owners and the managers are fully entitled to their decision, because it is a
PRIVATELY OWNED SITE open to the public,
And while we may differ about the wisdom of this decision, we cannot term it as arbitrary or unwarranted. There were rational reasons justifying the decision.
What about when we go to some exclusive restaurant. We abide by their dress code, enter at their descretion, and cough up our last year's savings quite happily, just to impress the girlfriend.
However we can choose not to go to that restaurant at all. There are so many other places to choose from.
Not that I am comparing JRanch to a snooty exclusive restaurant. This here is a much more friendly and liberal place. (Though now I feel frightened by Angela's threats

So ultimately it boils down to this:
"If I don't like meat, I won't eat at McDonald's"