Abhi Para

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since May 04, 2016
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Wojtek Cie wrote:

Bruno Lowagie wrote:

Hauke Ingmar Schmidt wrote:I am not sure about the consequences.

When programming an in-house application, the obligation to give the users access to the source code is trivial. But has this any consequences when the generated documents are distributed?

The AGPL was written because the GPL had a loophole when used in a SaaS context: the GPL only talks about "the distribution of the software". In a SaaS context, the software remains on a server somewhere. The AGPL makes sure that documents created as part of a service without distributing the software are covered by the F/OSS license too.

I am waiting for final confirmation from my lawyers but it seems you are wrong. Output of the program is not protected - accessing the program by users is. MongoDB for example is AGPL. Does it mean that if my SaaS service presents data stored in MongoDB (output of the mongodb) then I have to opensource my whole infrastructure? That would be ridiculous...

Linux is a GPL project. It does NOT mean that if I start presenting system stats captured by using GPL-licensed system commands on the web site presented from this server I need to opensource my stack, does it?

@Wojtek Cie : So what was the final conclusion? For web-based services where a user can generate PDF, is a commercial license required?