Liviu Jianu

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since May 29, 2016
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Recent posts by Liviu Jianu

Liutauras Vilda wrote:

Liviu Jianu wrote:but first I will have

No, first you'll have to accept a cattle

Thanks for your detailed story. Don't forget to put your score and story to our wall of fame.

Just did! Thanks for the tip! All the best!
7 years ago

I managed to take the exam on Nov 8th and pass it. I didn't got the results on the spot, as they already said that, but when I got back home I saw the email from oracle announcing me of the result.

The preparation for the exam took a couple of months and I used the following main materials for preparing:
 - OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808 by Jeanne Boyarsky and Scott Selikoff
 - Enthuware OCA Mock Tests

What I did in the preparation process:
- Read each chapter and where needed, run the code in an IDE to better understand the concepts.
- Take the exams at the end of each chapter after completing it.
- After finishing the book, retake all the exams and review all the weak points.
- Took some mock exams from the
- Finally, using the Enthuware mock exams platform, 7 days before the exam, I started taking 1 Mock exam each day and go through all the wrong answers to understand what made me select the wrong choice.
  The last day before the exam I took the Unique exam ( as it's called in enthuware )
- Got a good night sleep before the exam day.

Now, I'm off to get ready for the OCP but first I will have to go through the errata to correct the errors in the printed book as it does have some.

Best of luck to all of you!
7 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:The errata is "we should re-write the question to be clearer". Probably by not making line 5 a choice at all.

Understood. Thanks!

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Ah. That's a different errata. In the case of #3, it isn't clear. (compilers vary.) I'll not it could be clearer.

I understand that D is still not a correct answer but you are saying that with different JDK compiler versions, there could be a compile error there on line 5?

What is your suggestion for the errata in this case ?

Thank you very much!

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Liviu,
You are correct. This is an error in the book. D is not a correct answer. There is a thread discussing this. It's also listed in the book's errata.

Hello @Jeanne,

Thanks for the reply. I noticed that there is an explanation in the online errata but even so , I find it confusing that there is no statement for D if it's correct or not in the online errata. Shouldn't that be updated to state that D is not a correct answer? Even if the declaration of Cougar is invalid, that does not triggers a compiler error on line 5 that would make D a valid answer.

In the online errata, this is what it's said :

#3 – The answer is correct. In the explanation, “Puma is invalid” should be “Cougar is invalid” for the explanation for D. And “E is incorrect” should be “E is correct”.

I would change it to state that :

D is not a correct answer due to the fact that there is no compiler error on line 5. However, in the explanation, “Puma is invalid” should be “Cougar is invalid” for the explanation for D.

What do you think ?


On the assessment test on page xxxi for the question #3 the correct answers are including the option D as well which says that the code will not compile due to the line 5.
I ran the code with the javac, and also in intellij and eclipse as well and there was no error signalled on line 5. What exactly is the issue with the line 5 ? Why is the declaration of Cougar ( edited here - initially i said Puma ) invalid ?

Thank you!