cameron fraser

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since Jun 11, 2016
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Recent posts by cameron fraser

You said "You are attempting to load the image inside paintComponent(). This is not the place to do it."

Could you type out some code I could paste in to display the image? A bit over my head right now.
8 years ago

Not sure if I am doing the last parameter correctly, I am following other examples, but I am getting an error:

Multiple markers at this line
- Line breakpoint:SimpleGuiB [line: 23] - test()
- The method drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) in the type Graphics is not applicable for the arguments (String, int, int,

8 years ago
Ahh, I removed it from there. Would I create a custom method for it? I tried it in the go() method but it wont load there either. Any suggestions?

I did have some paintcode just didnt want to complicate and divert attention to it.
8 years ago
Oh, sorry forgot to mention.

Got it to get past the exception error with a new image link with two slashes "//" but the JFrame its supposed to display the image on is just blank.

Any ideas?

Full code:

public class SimpleGuiB extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
JButton button;

public static void main (String[] args) {
SimpleGuiB gui = new SimpleGuiB();

public void go(){
SimpleGuiB gui = new SimpleGuiB();
JFrame frame = new JFrame();

frame.setSize(970, 600);

public void paintComponent(Graphics g){

URL test;
try {
test = new URL("");
Image image = new ImageIcon(test).getImage();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
8 years ago
Ive been following my book on ImageIcons but decided to try out a URL:

Can anyone explain why this is not working or give me a tip on how I can?

Thank you.
8 years ago
Can someone explain what exactly is going on in this statement?

Sequencer sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer();

Am I thinking correctly about this statement? You are creating a reference variable called "sequencer" to the Sequencer Interface, yet its calling a method?

I am understanding of object creation and polymorphism such as: Sequencer sequencer = new Sequencer(); or Animal a = new lizard(); But here I am a bit confused to what is going on.

8 years ago