Hinok Yohannes

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since Jun 22, 2016
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Recent posts by Hinok Yohannes

Tim Cooke wrote:First, a big thanks to Charlie Hunt, Monica Beckwith, Poonam Parhar, & Bengt Rutisson for being here to promote the book The Java Performance Companion.

The winners are:

  • Salil Wadnerkar
  • Hinok Yohannes
  • Cesar Hernandez
  • Will Myers

  • Please send your snail mail address to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com. To ensure the quickest response, please provide the following:

    Your name (first and last - preferably the one you use on CodeRanch)
    Address (including country)
    Phone Number
    Whether you prefer an e-book if one is available

    Also, please include the following as the subject of your Email.

    Book Promo Winner - The Java Performance Companion - Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

    Image from http://ecx.images-amazon.com

    As noted in the Book Promotion Eligibility Requirements and Legal type stuff, the winners have 8 days to submit their information. Within 3 days of receipt of your email, we will reply to let you know we got it. If you don't hear back, the goat might have eaten your email. Please let us know by posting in the Ranch Office so we can check on it. Once you have received your copy please let us know by editing the Book Promotions Winners Page and updating the 'Status' column to say you have it.

    Thanks and congrats to all the winners.

    Thanks:) Congratz, I have sent the email yesterday
    8 years ago

    Hinok Yohannes wrote:Could Bytecode be improved?

    Thank you so much for your replies I could only understand so much being a beginner and all.
    8 years ago
    Thank you so much for the giveaway and Welcome to CodeRanch
    8 years ago
    Thank you so much for the giveaway and welcome to CodeRanch
    Thanks so much for the giveaway can't wait to receive my book

    Sent a email
    8 years ago

    Roel De Nijs wrote:When I created my account in 2004 on this website, I never imagined I would reach this milestone. But I am happy to announce that this particular post is my 10000th post at CodeRanch!

    Come and join me in our Saloon for the Big Ten Thousand Posts Party! Drinks are on me of course

    Amazing Congratz Big milestone!!!

    ps: If you don't mind me asking do you do information technology related job?
    8 years ago

    Jesper de Jong wrote:Welcome to the Ranch!

    You'll need to modify the PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of the JDK. Here is a good page which explains how to do that: How to Edit Your System PATH for Easy Command Line Access in Windows

    It explains how to set the path for the Android SDK, but it's basically the same for the JDK. Suppose that you installed your JDK in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92, then you have to add: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin to the PATH.

    Note that you'll have to close and re-open the command prompt window to make it pick up the change.

    Thank you this helped me as-well!
    8 years ago

    Chris Mayfield wrote:Think Java has a total of 42 figures (about 2-3 per chapter), so there's not too many but they do enhance the text. The book focuses more on providing code examples, introducing vocabulary, and working through problems.

    Thank you for your reply
    8 years ago
    How to think like a computer scientist does it have good visual representations that enchance the reader?
    8 years ago
    Welcome Allen B. Downey & Chris Mayfield to coderanch and thank you
    ps: Im new here to
    8 years ago